Hooghly – chicken of the woods? : Attachments (11 + 5). 9 posts by 3 authors. My booklet doesn’t feature this. (5.9.13) This one looks something like – http://steve.rogueleaf.com/tag/laetiporus-sulphureus/ (or http://www.hlasek.com/laetiporus_sulphureus.html) Here is today’s (14.9.13) update. 5 images. This fungus excretes coloured fluid as can be seen in the photographs. Perhaps these are known something like bleeding fungus and come from – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydnellum. Probably this is Laetiporus, as you predicted. Please keep a watch on it until the mature basidiocarps emerge. Thank you … I have visited this fungus again, today, it remains same. I am keeping a watch and upload photographs on its development, if any. No not a Laetiporus/Chicken. It looks like it might be some kind of Inonotus. You are likely to have very different species there though. Thank you Sir, found a list of Indian species, and description – http://mycosphere.org/pdfs/MC4_4_No16.pdf. But it is too complicated for me.
This is the latest state of this fungus, recorded yesterday (6.10.13). The last picture shows some small globular structure, growing beside this fungus; do not know if that can be any part of this fungus. I watched it regularly, it onley keeps changing its colour. nothing else develops. I think the fungus on the wood is decomposing and a hyperparasitic fungus is growing on it. This is a new term to me, hyperparasitic fungus, searched the net and it informs that “a fungus growing on another fungus”! |
Inonotus species- Hooghly, WB
Updated on December 24, 2024