Fomes fomentarius (L.) Fr., 1849 (syn: Agaricus fomentarius (L.) Lam., 1783; Boletus fomentarius L., 1753; Boletus fomentarius var. fomentarius L., 1753; Elfvingia fomentaria (L.) Murrill, 1903; Elfvingiella fomentaria (L.) Murrill, 1914; Fomes excavatus (Berk.) Sacc., 1888; Fomes fomentarius var. fomentarius (L.) Fr., 1849; Fomes fomentarius subsp. fomentarius (L.) Fr., 1849; Fomes fomentarius var. leuciticus Kalchbr.; Ochroporus fomentarius (L.) J. Schröt., 1888; Placodes fomentarius (L.) Quél., 1886; Polyporus fomentarius (L.) Fr., 1821 (ambiguous synonym); Polyporus fomentarius sensu Spegazzini (Boln Soc. Cienc. Córdoba 28: 354. 1926); fide Saccard (Syll. Fung. 27: 707. 1972) (misapplied name); Polyporus fomentarius var. excavatus Berk., 1839; Polyporus fomentarius var. fomentarius (L.) Fr., 1821; Polyporus fomentarius var. lineatus Velen., 1922; Polyporus fomentarius var. stratosus Pers., 1825; Pyropolyporus fomentarius (L.) Teng, 1963; Scindalma fomentarium (L.) Kuntze, 1898; Ungulina fomentaria (L.) Pat., 1900; Ungulina fomentaria subsp. fomentaria (L.) Pat., 1900; Ungulina fomentaria subsp. nigricans Bourdot & Galzin, 1925); Here’s i am sharing some images of Fomes sp. Fomes fomentarius Horse’s hoof fungi Family – Polyporaceae Photographed at Barot, Himachal Pradesh Host tree – Fallen Aesculus indica log In May 2018 nice. tell me … how would one dissect this mushroom for making slices and to dry and save specimen and take spores to study??? Thanks … we can use smaller conks for dissection by cutting them from middle to study its pore tubes arrangement. About getting the spore print its comparatively (to Agaricales) tougher in these hard woody fungi to get spore print but it can be obtained by similar method, we can wrap the mature fruiting body with wet paper overnight to get better spore print… I just know a little about them… … i hope this link will help you to get answer of your questions better thanks. i know that site. i was wondering if you or your department do these studies ? … i am just a 3rd year Bsc Forestry student so neither i have any resources required for research nor i am qualified to do these researches. About college departments i don’t think they do any significant research in this. Yes but not everybody wakes up in high school and says i will study forestry. you must have had a spark of insight or interest in this science and ambition to do something different. I was watching a TED talk yesterday in between helping my relative with the stroke. the spark to study octopus started when he was young. i think everybody has them. whether they know it as an aha moment or not. science is a difficult career esp ecology, botany, microbiology, cell biology, forestry, whales conservation and now oceanography and saving it from plastics etc etc otherwise why would you pursue those nasty spore bearing mushrooms. not all are benevolent. no matter how much the Japanese herbalists tell us that Reishi mushrooms are life saver. helping us fight against cancers. anyway, good luck and keep educating us about botany and mycology
Location : Balaju, Kathmandu Date : 30 March 2017 Elevation : 1475 m. Habit : Wild you have three consecutive cases of Mycophyta. what does Mycophyta mean to you? I guess it means Fungi, Mushroom, Yeast etc. Is it wrong ? no but sounds impressive. You perhaps submiyttted it for ID purposes? or just as example of MYCOPHYTA? For ID … ! Looks Fomes sp. … please always try to add the host plant name/id whenever you add images of any wood rooting fungi like this because in some cases fungi are host specific so it becomes little easier to identify the fungi correctly. Fomes spp. Fomes fomentarius ?? Yes. References: |
Fomes fomentarius
Updated on December 24, 2024