Dicliptera beddomei C.B.Clarke, Fl. Brit. India 4: 551 1885. (syn: Diapedium beddomei (C.B.Clarke) Kuntze); . India (E-Ghats (Andhra Pradesh)) as per Catalogue of Life; . This is the key as per FPM Gamble and T.Pullaiah: 1.Flowers in slender trichotomous/ divaricately branched lax panicles: a. inflorescence bracts minute, linear; flowering bracts and bracteoles minute; leaves almost glabrous: Dicliptera parvibracteata b. bracts ciliate, leaves minutely pubescent, bracteoles linear-lanceolate, inflorescence branches hairy: Dicliptera beddomei 2. Flowers in axillary peduncled clusters: a. leaves hairy, rounded or obtuse at base; floral bracts obovate-oblong: Dicliptera cuneata b. leaves acuminate at both ends, floral bracts foliaceous: Dicliptera foetida 3. flowers in dense axillary and terminal sessile or subsessile clusters, leaves rhomboid: Dicliptera bupleuroides 4. Flower clusters mostly in axillary whorls, bracts-oblong-obovate; leaves glabrous, ovate: Dicliptera verticellata . Clarke ; leaves ovate acuminate minutely pubescent, bracts 1/3 in. linear-oblong suddenly mucronate ciliate. N. MADRAS ; Nallaymallays (in Kurnool), Beddome. Stems diffuse, striate, glabrous except the tips. Leaves 5.1/2 by 3.1/4 in., pubescen beneath or nearly glabrous, base acuminate ; petiole 2 in. Panicle 6 in., lax branches often patently white-hairy ; floral leaves at the bifurcations gradually reduced, uppermost linear ; bracteoles 1/6 in., linear-lanceolate. Corolla 3/4 in., minutely pubescent. Capsule nearly 1/3 in., clavate, pubescent ; placentae rising elastically from the base. Seeds verrucose. (The Flora of British India as per IBIS Flora (FBI)) . Dicliptera cuneata Nees : 1 post by 1 author. Plant name: Dicliptera cuneata Nees, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 111. 1832. Family: Acanthaceae Description: Annual herbs, erect and gabrascent, 50-80 cm tall. Stem 4-angular. Leaves opposite; petiolate; lamina ovate-lanceolate, 4-12 × 2-5 cm, apex acute, base rounded or truncate, glabrescent above and appressed hairy below. Flowers pink, 1-1.5cm long, in axillary or terminal sub-capitate cymes on 3-5 cm long peduncles, 3-5 cymes from each axil. Bracts 2, unequal, bracteoles linear. Calyx lobes 4 mm, linear. Corolla tube 7 mm, hairy, deeply 2 lobed, with dark pink spots on inner side. Stamens 2, included, anthers unequal, cells muticous. Ovary 1 mm, oblong. Capsule ovoid, pubescent. Habitat & location: Limited to Peninsular India. Reply from another thread by …: correction of Dicliptera cuneata posted by me: Fwd: correction of Dicliptera cuneata posted by me : 4 images. 4 images- 1 to 2 mb each. Dicliptera posted by me is not D.cuneata, wrongly identified it is Dicliptera beddomei– reasons branches slender, striate, flowers in trichotomous cymes on lax paniclesbranches hairy, bracts narrow and linear flowering bracts linear the correction may be carried -you please observe there is 3 branches from each axil and see the difference with present specimen again sending the images
Dicliptera beddomei
Updated on December 23, 2024