Dicliptera parvibracteata Nees, Pl. Asiat. Rar. 3: 111 1832. ; India (Andhra Pradesh) as per Catalogue of Life; Nees in Wall. Pl. As. Rar. iii. 111, and in DC. Prodr. xi. 488 ; leaves ovate acuminate nearly glabrous, bracts 1/10 in. linear. Justicia retorta, Vahl Enum. i. 150 ? J. latebrosa, Koen.; Roxb. Fl. Ind. i. 125.MADRAS ; Circars, Wight (Herb. Propr, n. 51 or 2014) ; Vizagapatam (Jaipoor Hills), Beddome. Stem diffuse, striate, obscurely pubescent upwards. Leaves 5 by 2.3/4 in. (or all except the lowest small, 1-2 in.), base shortly acuminate ; petiole 1 in. Panicle 6 in., divaricate, lax, nearly glabrous ; floral leaves at the bifurcations 1/10-1/4 in., linear-lan¬ceolate; bracteoles 1/16 in., linear. Calyx 1/16 in., sub-5-partite ; segments linear-lan¬ceolate, minutely pubescent. Corolla 1/2 in., slender, minutely pubescent. Capsule 1/4 in., clavate, pubescent ; placentae rising elastically.— Justicia latebrosa, Koen., has never been satisfactorily recovered. The Ic. Ined, of this at Kew is D. parvibracteata; a separate imperfect drawing of a capsule added in the corner perhaps not pertaining. But Roxburgh’s description does not suit in several points, of which “Flowers large” is difficult to get over. A scrap in Wallich’s Herbarium, marked in old handwriting “Justicia latebrosa, Roxb.” is Dicliptera cuneata. (from The Flora of British India as per IBIS Flora)
Fwd: Submission of Dicliptera parvibracteata : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) – 5 mb. Flowers in slender divaricately branched axillary panicles; bracteoles linear, panicle branches, leaves almost glabrous it is a rare species found in Rampa hills of Godavari district at high altitudes
References: Catalogue of Life POWO The Plant List Ver.1.1 IPNI GBIF (High resolution specimens) High resolution specimen High resolution specimen 2 Flora of peninsular India IBIS Flora |
Dicliptera parvibracteata
Updated on December 24, 2024