Justicia carnea (Cultivated)

by Aarti Khale & Nidhan Singh (Inserted
by J.M.Garg)

Rose Jacobinia, Pink Jacobinia, Brazilian plume, king’s crown, plume flower;

Justicia carnea, with common names including Brazilian Plume Flower, Flamingo Flower, and Jacobinia — is a flowering plant in the family Acanthaceae.[1]

The perennial plant is native to the Atlantic Forest ecoregions of eastern Brazil. 
(From Wikipedia on 6.1.14) 



IND 9 4/7/14 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1).
Can you please identify this ornamental shrub like plant with white flowers.
Photo was taken in Sri Lanka in March 2014.

Justicia carnea ‘Alba’.

Any hybrid variety of Justicia carnea?



Sharing the pics from Shimla..
Justicia carnea



The white flowered Justicia from the same nursery.



Cultivated, ornamental, garden plant from Gangajal Nursery in Nasik.




ID request – indiantreepix | Google Groups : (mixed thread): Attachments (1)
This is another from Coorg.
Plesae give ID.




Jacobinia carnea from Shimla: Attachments (1 + 4).

cool catch

Yes … there was a great cold that day

Some more pics


name of this flower : 11 posts by 8 authors.
please check this photograph. i took this in munnar, kerala. if you know the name of this beautiful flower, please let me know

It has to be a cactus or succulent. my best guess is some sp. of euphorbia. However, it is a guess only.

I tried to look for Euphorbia species on the net & in the Tropical Garden plants by Bose, Chowdhury & Sharma, but couldn’t find this one. Further one can see the leaves in the picture, which is not there in the Euphorbia species. Do you have other pictures showing leaves etc.? If so, pl. post them.

Plz post a pictue of the flower with its leaves and habit if possible as it will make identification easier

Looks like lamiaceae. But it is a beautiful; shot

The plant looks like one of the wild Jacobinia sps, belonging to Acanthaceae family. I have seen most beautiful Jacobinias in USA ( J.carnea). But they are cultivated. Any how please check for the morphological descriptions of the plant and flowers to make sure of the sepcies.

I think it is a Jacobina – I dont know the botanical name

I think it matches with Justicia carnea (‘Rose’ Jacobinia)
as per the links & details: http://www.gaygardener.com/gardenspot/perennial/peren028.phtml,
Here is the Wilkepedia link. … has to confirm whether it is the same flower.

Jacobinia is the genus name (part of the species name/ botanical name). Many times the botanical name and comma names are the same.



Justicia carnea :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan :: 01 MAY 18 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 3 images.
Dattaji Salvi Udyan  Thane

Date: May 1, 2018 … Altitude: about 11 m (36 feet) asl

Justicia carnea  Lindl.   

Updated on December 24, 2024

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