Justicia crenatifolia J. R. I. Wood, nom. nov. (Replaced name: Rungia crenata T. Anderson, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 518. 1867, non Justicia crenata Pohl ex Nees, Prodr. [A. P. de Candolle]) as per New Names and Combinations in Indian Acanthaceae by John R. I. Wood- Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 23(3):385-395. 2014; . Rungia crenata T.Anderson, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 9: 518 1867. (Syn: Diapedium crenatum Kuntze) as per The Plant List Ver.1.1 (Unresolved); . Common name: Toothed Rungia . T. Anders, in Journ. Linn. Soc. v. 9 (1867) p. 518. An erect branched herb 1-1.1/2 ft. high ; stems and branches slender, terete or obscurely quadrangular, glabrous or nearly so. Leaves 1-2.1/2 by 1/2-1 in., elliptic-lanceolate, subacute, lineolate, sparsely hairy with hairs often bulbous-based, base acute ; petioles 1/4-3/8 in. long, hairy. Flowers in dense 1-sided spikes 3/4-1 by 5/8 in., terminal or axillary, sessile or pedunculate ; bracts on one side of the spike, dimorphic, the barren bracts alternate, in 2 opposite rows, foliaceous, 1/3-1/2 by 1/10-1/8 in., elliptic-oblong or somewhat obovate, densely softly hairy, strongly nerved, mucronate, often with a narrow scarious margin on the lower edge leaching about 1/2-way up from the base, the fertile bracts 1/6 by 1/10 in. (including the scarious margin), broadly obovate, mucronate, pubescent, with a broad scarious margin ; bracteoles 1/6 in. long, eiliptic-oblong, concave, pubescent, with scarious ciliolate margins. Calyx densely hairy, 1/6 in. long, divided nearly to the base ; segments linear-lanceolate. Corolla blue, 1/2 in. long, hairy outside ; upper lip rather less than 1/8 in. long, broadly ovate, acutely acuminate ; lower lip nearly 1/6 in. long, obovate, with 3 short obtuse lobes, the middle lobe the narrowest. Filaments glabrous ; lower cell of anthers with an obtuse white ap¬pendage. Capsules 1/10-1/8 in. long, ovoid, acute, pubescent at the apex, compressed, the 2 flat faces scarious, the narrow edge hard, white, shining. Seeds 1/20 by 1/30 in., ellipsoid. Fl. B. I. v. 4, p. 547 ; Woodr. in Journ. Bomb. Nat. v. 12 (1899) p. 358. Acanthaceae Fortnight :: Rungia crenata :: Amboli :: DVMAR94/105 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 5 images. Rungia crenata T.Anderson at Amboli on December 27, 2011 Another very good upload … Acanthaceae Fortnight ::Rungia crenata :: Chorla Ghat:: PKA-MAR42/42: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (5) Seen this small herb at “Chorla Ghat, Belgaum-Goa Route”. Bot. name: Rungia crenata Family: Acanthaceae
Acanthaceae Fortnight ::Rungia crenata :: North Karnataka :: PKA-MAR55/55: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Seen this small herb at “Anshi Ghat, North Karnataka”. Pls help me for Identifying Justicia sp. : Attachments (1). 4 posts by 3 authors. Any body pls help me for correct nomenclature of Justicia sp. from Kottayam district of Kerala Could be J. simplex. Look the secund inflorescence, it represents Rungia Sorry that I ignored the important character (I was looking at the picture in my mobile!) This should be Justicia pectinata as per discussions at Sorting Rungia species OMG specimen !!!!!! And I disagree. This needs to be investigated. Here is why ….. Leaves very broad, Peduncles to spikes loooong ! Spikes lax. It seems flowers are white and bigger than typical J. pectinata. I would like to see hairs on fertile bracts. It seems this belongs outside parviflora/pectinata complex. I do not agree with Rungia crenatifolia, not matching with images in Justicia crenatifolia Rungia sisparensis is a possibility. To me looks different from Rungia sisparensis as per GBIF High resolution specimen Flora of Karnataka POWO IBIS Flora Rungia parviflora Thanks, …, But it is not Rungia parviflora as per discussions at Sorting Rungia species I am reproducing the details in Flora of British India. Pl. check. Top portion of it, I am copying and pasting from IBIS Flora as below: Nees in Wall. Pl. As. Rar. iii. 110, and in DC. Prodr. xi. 469, excl. syn. ; leaves small ovate or lanceolate nearly glabrous, bracts dimorphic barren elliptic or oblong subobtuse striate hardly margined, fertile obovate glabrous scarious-margined ciliate, bracteoles elliptic scarcely acute, corolla 1/4 in. R. repens, T. Anders, in Journ. Linn. Soc. ix. 518 partly, not of Nees. R. longifolia, Bedd. Ic. Pl. Ind. Or. t. 266, not of Nees. S. DECCAN PENINSULA ; Weight (2011, 2285 Herb. Propr.). CEYLON ; Thwaites (C. P., nn. 257, 3354). A small, ramous weed. Lower leaves 1 by 1/4-1/2 in., petioled, ovate, upper narrow sometimes linear. Spikes 3/4 by 1/4 in., nearly all terminal, markedly 1-sided ; barren bracts not cuspidate. Capsule 1/5 in. ; seeds small, minutely verrucose.—This, the typical R. parviflora, Nees, appears a very rare plant ; Nees, however, referred numerous specimens with the fertile bracts hairy all over to R. parviflora, but which are R. pectinata, Nees, as far as the description goes. Revision of Rungia parviflora var. pectinata (Nees) C.B.Clarke from Fri, 2014-03-07 13:48 flowerless bracts mucronate often cuspidate flowering hairy. R. pectinata, Nees in DC. Prodr. xi. 470 ; Wight Ic. t. 1547 ; T. Anders, in Journ. Linn. Soc. ix. 517. R. parviflora, Nees l. c. partly ; Griff. Notul, iv. 144 ; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 195. R. polygonoides, Nees in Wall. Pl. As. Rar. Hi. 110, and Cat. 7181, and in DC. Prodr. xi. 471 ; Dalz. & Gibs. Bomb. Fl. 196. Justicia pectinata, Linn. Amoen. Acad. iv. 299 ; Lamk. Ill. i. t. 12, fig. 3 ; Roxb. Corom. Pl. ii. 29, t. 153, and Fl. Ind. i. 133 ; Wall. Cat. 2458. J. parviflora, Retz Obs. v. 9. J. infracta, Vahl Enum. i. 155.—Throughout India, from the Himalaya to Ceylon and Pegu, a universal weed.—Usually ramous. Leaves 3/4 by 1/3 in. ; petiole 1/8 in. Spikes 1 by 1/4 in., terminal and axillary, clustered, subsessile, distinctly 1-sided ; barren bracts 1/6 by 1/12 in., scarcely margined ; fertile 1/10 in. diam., orbicular, apiculate, scarious- marginate, hairy on back as well as on margins ; bracteoles 1/10 in., elliptic, subacute. Calyx 1/12 in. ; segments linear-lanceolate, pubescent. Corolla blue or whiteish, upper lip short. Anther-cells superposed, lower white-tailed.—The area of this abundant plant should perhaps be extended to Java, &c., but the examples thence (Dicliptera coerulea, Blume Bijd. 791) differ considerably from all the Indian material, which is very uniform in character, the size of the heads and bracts varying a little. Thus from above flowerless bracts mucronate often cuspidate flowering hairy for R.pectinata and flowerless bracts subobtuse for R. parviflora being the key. …, unfortunately we do not have authentic material/images online for many more relatively uncommon species. Thanks, …, To me it looks like Justicia crenatifolia only as per High resolution specimen at GBIF. Image is not clear, which may be causing a little bit of confusion. There may be variation in the habit as we have seen in other species like Justicia pectinata. Threads/posts placed in Justicia crenatifolia page at eFI is still confusing to me. So, I cannot comment on a species which is still unclear to me! Requesting a herb id (08112021)2: 2 high res. images. Yes, Rungia. Justicia , Images not clear ! I think close to images at Justicia crenatifolia
. References: New Names and Combinations in Indian Acanthaceaeby John R. I. Wood- Novon: A Journal for Botanical Nomenclature 23(3):385-395. 2014 |
Justicia crenatifolia
Updated on December 23, 2024