Agapanthus praecox subsp. orientalis (F.M.Leight.) F.M.Leight., J. S. African Bot. Suppl. 4: 21 1965. (Syn: Agapanthus orientalis F.M.Leight.; Agapanthus umbellatus var. maximus Lindl.); . E. Cape Prov. to KwaZulu-Natal as per WCSP; . For ID 120610 ET – efloraofindia | Google Groups : 9 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (2) I took this plant / flower picture during Nature camp to the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve – Avalanche- Kunda Forest Reserve- Looks like Agapanthus orientalis (Amaryllidaceae). I had photographed A. africanus (A. umbellatus) from California. Could you kindly list differences between the two species. They look similar, except for lighter colour of flowers here. The perianth segments of A. africanus are thick in texture and the flowers are open faced and range in colour from light to mainly deep blue. Rare sightings of white flowered plants have been recorded. Fires stimulate profuse flowering. After a recent fire in the Silver Mine Nature Reserve on the Cape Peninsula a single white flowered plant was noted amongst thousands of blue flowered ones. The plants flower mainly from December to February. The leaves are evergreen and strap like, about 15 mm wide with an average length of 350 mm. The flower stalk is usually under 700 mm tall. This subspecies is quite common and because of the fairly inaccessible terrain its survival is assured. Thanx a lot … for asking such a nice question. It compelled me to go for a thorough mining of the literature. Unfortunately I …, Excellent photo. Is it fragrant? I was shooting from distance. I am not able to comment Agapanthus species : Garden plant of California: Yes .. Another common plant in California Yes, Agapanthus orientalis, parking lots, roadsides, outside of fences, massive plantings …. everyone loves the buoe flower heads… they provide pleasant color for the whole of the summer… Flowers of California 5: Agapanthus praecox subsp. orientalis: Agapanthus praecox Willd. subsp. orientalis (F. M. Leight.) F. M. Leight. Syn: Agapanthus orientalis F. M. Leight. Evergreen garden ornamental herb with strap-shaped 4-6 cm wide leaves; flowers blue in a 40-110 flowered umbel on a longer scape; flowers 5 cm long. Very commonly cultivated in California along roadsides and private houses, often along borders.
Flowers of California 4: Agapanthus africanus: Syn: Crinum africanum L.; Agapanthus umbellatus L’Hér. Evergreen garden ornamental, with linear-lanceolate leaves 10-13 mm broad; flowers blue, 3.5-4.5 cm long, in a 12-30 flowered umbel on on a long scape. Common names: African Lily, blue African lily, Lily of the Nile Less commonly cultivated in California efloraindia: 111111 BRS150: Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. confirmation. Location: Pambar Shola, Approx.. 2000 msl, Kodaikanal Date: Jan.2006. Habitat: Garden Habit: shrub SK1022 17MAR-2018 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3) Location: Godawari Botanical Garden, Nepal Altitude: 5000 ft. Date: 22 Jun 2017 Habit : Cultivated Liliaceae ..?? ID ? Also check /species/a—l/ar/asparagaceae Is it Agapenthus? Thank you … Agapanthus africanus (L.) Hoffmanns. ??? Yes to me also appear close to images at Agapanthus africanus (L.) Hoffmanns. Agapanthus praecox Willd. or its hybrids as per discussions in another thread SK1377 21AUG 2018 : 15 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (6)- around 600 kb each. Location: Godavari, Nepal Altitude : 5000 ft. Date: 24 July 2018 Habit : Cultivated Agapanthus africanus.. Thank you … Agapanthus africanus (L.) Hoffmanns. This appears to be Agapanthus praecox Willd. [Amaryllidaceae / ex-Agapanthaceae]. This plant is, and has been, widely mistaken for A. africanus (L.) Hoffmanns. Please refer to the attached documents for more details. The screenshots have been sourced from: The European Garden Flora, Vol. I, Alismataceae to Orchidaceae, Second edition, Cambridge University Press, 2011. PS: The pentamerous flower in these images seems to be a curious aberration. Attachments (4) Thanks, … I think we should accordingly take our images at Agapanthus africanus (Cultivated) as Agapanthus praecox Willd. or its hybrids. Is it OK ? Yes. The confusion is widespread. As mentioned in the PDF attached in my previous email: “…even in South Africa, cultivars are mainly traded or linked to Agapanthus africanus. In nearly all cases, these plants have nothing to do with this species; almost all are selections or hybrids from A. praecox. Even so close to the natural habitat, it seems impossible to get rid of this confusion…” – p. 19, Agapanthus – A Revision of the Genus by Wim Snoeijer, Timber Press, 2004. yes to this question, “Thanks, … I think we should accordingly take our images at Agapanthus africanus (Cultivated) as Agapanthus praecox Willd. or its hybrids. Is it OK ?” on that page, esp … case, only he has taken the trouble to find out and tell us that it was an evergreen. information in plain english for gardeners : the following snipptes are from daves garden: … Classification of Agapanthus is confusing, and even experts have difficulty. Over the years, Agapanthus has changed families several times, being at one time or another assigned to Liliaceae (lily), and Alliaceae (onion), or being assigned its own monotypic family, Agapanthaceae. APG III taxonomic system assigns it to the family Amaryllidaceae and recognizes these species: A. africanus, A. campanulatus (with one subspecies), A. caulescens, A. inapertus (with five subspecies), and A. praecox (with three subspecies). The APG III taxonomic system does not recognize A. orientalis, but it does list A. praecox subsp. orientalis. Since it is generally recognized by most experts that almost all the evergreen agapanthus in cultivation are cultivars or hybrids of A. praecox etc this page is short treasure of whats in US gardens. Re:Blue lily ? : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) Location Kalimpong Darjeeling West Bengal Please identify Might be allium sp. Could not find a match with any species so far in efi as per comparative images at /species/a—l/a/amaryllidaceae/allium Please compare with Agapanthus species in eFI. I think leaves are required for final id. A. africanus: Scape less than 70 cm long, leaves less than 15 mm wide, umbel 12-30 flowered, flower less than 4 cm long, A. praecox: Scape longer than 80 cm, leaves wider than 15 mm, umbel more than 30 flowered, flower longer than 4 cm. The above plant is A. praecox I hope .
Looks matching according to the net images ! . Agapanthus praecox ‘Albus’ from California-GS24072024-2: 4 high res. images.
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Agapanthus praecox ssp. orientalis (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024