Crinum lorifolium Roxb. ex Ker Gawl., J. Sci. Arts (London) 3: 110 1817. (Syn: Crinum canalifolium Herb.; Crinum elegans Carey ex Herb.; Crinum longifolium Roxb. ex Ker Gawl. [Illegitimate]; Crinum pratense Herb.; Crinum pratense var. canalifolium nom.superfl.; Crinum pratense var. elegans nom.superfl.; Crinum pratense var. longifolium Herb.; Crinum pratense var. lorifolium nom.superfl.; Crinum pratense var. venustum (Carey ex Herb.) Herb.; Crinum venustum Carey ex Herb.); India to Myanmar as per WCSP; Bangladesh; India; Myanmar as per Catalogue of Life; Flowers are subsessile hence C. pratens. C. woodrowii has pedicelled flowers. Moreover the latter is rarely found on cliffs along evergreen forests. C. pratens is a common Crinum in Konkan. Requesting ID of this lily with white flowers – Mumbai :09072013 : ARK-03 : June 2013 : Attachments (4). 7 posts by 4 authors. Requesting to please ID this lily with white flowers captured on the Silonda trail, SGNP in Mumbai in June 2013. The flowers were captured on June 23, 2013 and the fruits for the same plant were captured on July 7, 2013 Is it Crinum pratense? Crinum woodrowii, amaryllidaceae The 2 species are very similar, so I’m interested to hear why it’s C. woodrowii. The leaves are not so clear in the first picture, yet they look a bit narrow for C. woodrowii. C. woodrowii is supposed to have lobed fruits and to me these look closer to globose. Flowers are subsessile hence C. pratens. C. woodrowii has pedicelled flowers. Moreover the latter is rarely found on cliffs along evergreen forests. C. pratens is a common Crinum in Konkan.
Crinum pratense (syn. of C. lorifolium) FOR VALIDATION :: 22 JUN 13 :: along Saphale road : 8 posts by 2 authors. 4 images. Saphale road off Varai Naka, along NH8 Date: June 22, 2013 … Altitude: about 20 m (65 ft) asl Crinum ¿ pratense ? This could be Crinum pratense (syn. of Crinum lorifolium) – the flowers look to be sessile or subsessile. Other aspects I am not able to know. I hope the above pictures help in getting to the ID. C. pratense is known to be common in Konkan — however (at the time of writing this post), there are almost no pictures of it on internet other than the 6 pictures in eFI (2 from …, and 4 from …). Crinum lorifolium Please ask … if the leaves are glaucous? I would like to have the close of leaves to know the texture.
Thank you very much … here, I am attaching two cropped versions of one of the above posted pictures, to get closer to one of the leaves. Hope it helps you in your analysis. Attachments (2) – 4 mb and 122 kb. It is very difficult to identify Crinums on account of high variation in their morphology. It looks like C. lorifolium but none of you mentions if the leaves are glaucous. I am not sure about the identity of these images. Thank you very very much …, for your thoughts. Geographically, C. lorifolium and C. amoenum are distributed in plains of Thane district. Ruling out C. amoenum as it is relatively much wider and taller than the posted plant. C. lorifolium fits what is seen in posted plant, especially we see sessile or subsessile flowers. Another distant possibility is C. woodrowii – ruled out, as it has pedicellate flowers. I am inclined to think of Crinum lorifolia.
Crinum species for Id 040909JM2: On 29/8/09 in a Park in Hyderabad in an unattended area. – I have tentatively identified your images File:Crinum species W IMG 1103.jpg and file:Crinum species W IMG 1108.jpg as Crinum humile. It agrees well with the description, but the thing is that Crinum humile is thought to be extinct. Would it be possible for you to investigate this plant futher? – Perianth salver shaped, lobes lanceolate, flowers sessile, apex of leaves obtuse; this would be Crinum pratense Herb. In a park any Crinum sp. can be found yet the distribution will have to be confirmed from the local flora. – You may be right. However, the correct name according to the Kew Plant List is Crinum lorifolium Roxb. ex Ker Gawl. with following from the same area as synonyms: C pratense Herb., Crinum canalifolium Herb., Crinum elegans Carey ex Herb., Crinum longifolium Roxb. ex Ker Gawl Bangalore July 2014 Crinum asiaticum, perhaps. Crinum sp.? This is to inform you that this species is closely related with species Crinum viviparum of section stenaster. I think their is need to more study on this material. Crinum lorifolium Roxb.
References: Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 WCSP POWO GBIF (High resolution specimens) Flora of Karnataka India Biodiversity Portal Wikipedia IUCN Red List (LC) Plant illustrations |
Crinum lorifolium
Updated on December 24, 2024