Crinum solapurense

Crinum solapurense Gaikwad, Garad & Gore, Kew Bulletin May 2014, 69:9505;

Images by Ramchandra Gore, (Inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade) 


Fwd: About a new flowering plant species …….. : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3).

Its my great pleasure to inform you that we (S.P. Gaikwad, K.U. Garad & R.D. Gore) have described a new flowering plant species Crinum solapurense Gaikwad, Garad & Gore (Amaryllidaceae)” from Solapur district of Maharashtra state. Recently this article is published in KEW BULLETIN, LONDON.

for paper please visit the following link ….



Regarding a new flowering plant species 6 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (4).
Its my great pleasure to inform you that we (S.P. Gaikwad, K.U. Garad & R.D. Gore) have described a new flowering plant species Crinum solapurense Gaikwad, Garad & Gore (Amaryllidaceae)” from Solapur district of Maharashtra state. Recently this article is published in KEW BULLETIN, LONDON.

for paper please visit the following link ….


Springer (Abstract: A new species, Crinum solapurense S. P. Gaikwad, K. U. Garad & R. D. Gore, is described from a swamp bordering the Bhima River in Solapur district of Maharashtra State, India. It resembles C. viviparum (Lam.) R. Ansari & V. J. Nair var. viviparum and C. lorifolium Roxb. ex Ker Gawl. but differs in having 1 – 10 bulblets on the mother bulb, sturdy and canaliculate 12 – 27 leaves, 10 – 30-flowered umbels, undivided stigma and 3 – 12-seeded fruits.)

Updated on December 24, 2024

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