Lycoris aurea (L’Hér.) Herb., Appendix 20 1821. (Syn: Amaryllis africana Lam.; Amaryllis aurea L’Hér.; Amaryllis platypetala Lindl. ex Bury; Lycoris africana (Lam.) M.Roem.; Lycoris aurea var. angustitepala P.S.Hsu & al.; Lycoris aurea var. surgens Worsley ex Traub. & Moldenke; Lycoris lajolla Traub; Lycoris traubii W.Hayw.; Nerine aurea (L’Hér.) Sweet);
New Year wishes: Please identify this ornamental lily plant. Herb, Monocot, probably belongs to Amaryllidaceae, height about 2 feet, large leaves arising from undergound bulbs, Flowers in August-September. May be any Scadoxus sp it may be Lycoris aurea Yes, Lycoris aurea. It is in bloom in our garden just, now (14-8-2012). Makes an excellent cut flower. References: |
Lycoris aurea
Updated on December 24, 2024