Scadoxus multiflorus (Martyn) Raf., Fl. Tellur. 4: 19 1838. (Syn: Amaryllis multiflora (Martyn) Tratt.; Haemanthus multiflorus Martyn; Nerissa multiflorus (Martyn) Salisb. [Invalid]); . Foot Ball Lily, Powder Puff Lily; . Summer beauty – MS120511 -32 .: Football lily. Haemanthus multiflorus, Amaryllidaceae. With its numerous scarlet flowers grouped in a large round umbel on top of 30 cm long stalk, Haemanthus multiflorus is a novelty. The plant comes from tropical Africa and flowers in summer, when it is normally leafless. The arrival of the flowers every year will be a welcome surprise as they appear when the plants have completely “disappeared”. They were in full bloom in Mysore last week. However the photographs attached were taken in Chennai a few years back. Yes .., often planted in pots in Delhi. Yes it is!!! I am very sure this plant is Scadoxus multiflorus also known as Haemanthus multiflorus, I have this plant with me in my garden and also I did cytological studies (mitosis) from the root tips of this plant in my Let me know at what time we should collect its root tips to get maximum dividing cells In Haemanthus multiflorus pluck the root tip around 11:00 -11:30 A.M, but make one thing for sure that the soil in which it is growing should be wet (optimum drenched) otherwise you will never get good divisions. Water the plant well for at least 3-4 days before to take the root tips. If you want you can give me a call now. Some more Pics from Arya PG College Campus Another Scadoxus multiflorus photograph. To the left of the flowerhead, a leaf can be seen. This photograph was taken in Adyar Theosophical Society Gardens on 21 June, 2011. It is a cultivated garden plant. . Ball lilies: . Links –Ball lilly and Thunder Lily: Incase anyone would like to read — Crocus – Ball Lily— efloraofindia:”For Id 30092011MR4’’ green plant Pune: Request for identification Date/Time-Sep 2011 Location-Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Garden Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb Height/Length- about a foot Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size-Green No flowers or fruits seen Probably leaves of Haemanthus multiflorus yes this is Scadoxus multiflorus Vegetative state of football lily i.e.Scadoxus multiflorus syn. Haemanthus multiflorus Did a football lily develop after all in this rosette of leaves?/ originals were from Septemebr… so this plant has enough time to develop the stalk and its lily??? did you get to see and photograph the lily??/ It has not flowered as yet We have these lilies in our Nasik garden. This is Scadoxus multiflorus. Flowering during warm summer days. Often called as Mayflower too as it flowers in May This plant has flowered on 12th June 2012. Attaching pics this is afootball lily Haemanthus multiflorus of Amaryllidaceae have the leaves survived the heat? can you photograph them now??? and show me? Flowers appear before leaves as far as I remember. Attaching pic of the leaves . Looks like they are new leaves Pl. find the attached file contain photo for id. request. Location: Anaikatti, AAVIN Fodder Farm Date: 04.07.12 Habitat: Garden Habit: Herb Yes it is blood lily or powdepuff lily or ball lily as it is variously called Scadoxus multiflorus Blood Lily, Powderpuff Lily (Scadoxus multiflorus) ID request : Attachments (2). 3 posts by 3 authors. Please identify this plant for me. Taken in Bhadra forest, 2005. Is this a medicinal plant? Any information would be highly appreciated. Scadoxus multiflorus (Martyn) Raf. Thanks … The football lilly is possibly an escapee from some garden. Understands that it is used in some ethnic medicines; but beware it is highly poisonous (also known as ‘Poison lilly’). 19042014Al191 Liliaceae/Amaryllidaceae for ID : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2). Looks like: Haemanthus sp? Perhaps Haemanthus katherinae Scadoxus multiflorus matches. Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight: Unknown Ornamental : SK-16 : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2). I think looking like a Dieffenbachia sp Thank you Sir. Recorded more photographs today, in another compound. Attachments (3) Searched a lot but couldn’t find any solution. All ornamental Araceae seem to have pinnately veined leaves while this one has parallel/longitudinal nerves. This is Scadoxus multiflorus, Syn Haemanthus multiflorus. Commonly known as Football Lily. Yes …, It is Haemanthus multiflorus or Football Lily which blooms in April /may in Delhi. Thanks a lot, it looks so!
Pls validate. Scadoxus multiflorus– Amaryllidaceae. I think yes, football lily.
Id is correct. I have written an article on this plant published in Deccan herald Fwd: FLOWERS IN OUR GARDEN- 2 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Here is a collage of few more flowers in our garden at Cooch Behar at this time of the year. 1. Spattoglotis plicata (Orchid) 2. Haemanthus multiflorus (Foot ball lily) 3. Bauhinia acuminata (Kanchan) 4. Saraca indica (Ashok)
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Scadoxus multiflorus
Updated on December 24, 2024