Tulbaghia violacea Harv., Bot. Mag. 64: t. 3555 1837 (Syn: Omentaria cepacea (L.f.) Salisb.; Omentaria violacea (Harv.) Kuntze; Tulbaghia cepacea var. maritima Vosa; Tulbaghia cepacea var. robustior Kunth; Tulbaghia violacea var. minor Baker; Tulbaghia violacea var. obtusa Baker; Tulbaghia violacea var. robustior (Kunth) R.B.Burb.); . Cape Prov. to KwaZulu-Natal (as per WCSP); . Request for ID : 260111 : AK-3: 1 image. Taken at Nairobi, Kenya in January, 2009. A small garden plant. Tulbaghia violacea Harv., Bot. Mag. 64: t. 3555 1837. Common names: Society garlic, Pink Agapanthus Plant from S. Africa locally used for a number of ailments. Perennial tuberous herb with linear leaves up to 30 cm long, channelled at base; flowers in umbels of up to 20 flowers, bright lilac, about 2 cm long, lobes lanceolate with darker midvein. fruit a capsule. Commonly grown along roadsides in California. very common in southwest, street plantings near shopping malls, office buildings etc…. Couldn’t place this small herb with an ID. Observed in many flower beds here in Sunnyvale and surrounding areas. Liliaceae or related family. Height around 12 inches with Pink flower bunches. Leaves linear with greyish hue. Check for Tulbaghia violacea. I had posted from Nairobi and … and … had identified it. Yes it is, very common here in California. Thanks … I had been to a nursery Summerwinds in Sunnyvale CA where I met …: a short but sweet meeting. I located the name of this plant there. Tulbaghia violacea – San Francisco, USA – May 2013 :: 02MAY2014 :: ARK-05 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (4). Attached are pictures of Tulbaghia violacea captured in San Francisco, USA in May 2013. This were long unidentified with me until identified by … in a recent post. Requested to please validate the ID. Yes … Profusely flowering these days all over California Yes profusely flowering all over Bay area. Are there two varieties with different leaf colours? I observed one with faint green leaves bordered by faint stripe at edges. It is still in flowering in Riyadh too. Yes …, the other with silvery leaves is Tulbaghia violacea ‘Silver Lace’ Thanks. Its important to know this. Location : Sentosa , Singapore Date : 18 October 2012 Altitude 131 m. Habit : Cultivated Is this Orchidaceae ?? I thought its an Allium, not orchid. But not sure. Sir once check with Tulbaghia violacea of Amaryllidaceae Yes looks matching. Tulbaghia violacea Harv. Thank you …! Yes sorry for wrong id. It is ok … That happens sometimes. don’t you have the whole plant pictures? …, well, but Tulbaghia violacea is called society garlic and plants’s looks are reminiscent of allium plants in gardens and its inflorescence does remind me of allium inflorescence. so you were nor far off. . Tulbaghia violacea : Nasik : 29JAN22 : AK – 44: These were observed for the first time in India, at a plant nursery in Nasik. Earlier seen in Nairobi, Kenya and California. Awesome flowers & an upload ! I have seen this / the allied species somewhere in US nursery but unable to recall or dig out the image from my archives. Leaves and roots have a strong garlic smell when crushed – Society garlic plant ??? Tulbhaghia species. . References: |
Tulbaghia violacea (Cultivated- USA, Singapore & Kenya)
Updated on December 24, 2024