Searsia mysorensis (G.Don) Moffett, Bothalia 37: 170 2007. (syn: Rhus indica Herb. Madr. ex Wight & Arn.; Rhus mysorensis G. Don; Toxicodendron mysurense (G. Don) Kuntze); India (Punjab, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharasthra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala)), Pakistan (Sind, Karachi, Baluchistan, Waziristan) as Catalogue of Life; Keys given in Flora of eastern Ghats: 1. Armed tree, panicle 3-10 cm long ………… Searsia mysorensis (G.Don) Moffett (syn: Rhus mysorensis G. Don) 2. Unarmed tree, panicle 10-20 cm long …… Searsia paniculata (Wall. ex G.Don) Moffett (syn: Rhus paniculata Wall. ex G. Don) Mysore Sumac • Hindi: दसनी Dasni, Dansara, Darsan • Marathi: अम्बॊनी Amboni • Malayalam: Chippamaram • Telugu: Sitha, Sundari • Kannada: Hulmari, Sabale, Sappli; Habit: A bushy small tree, upto 8m. Flower In panicles, terminal or upper leaf axils; yellow. Flowering from November-January. Fruit A globose drupe, small, compressed; seed solitary. Fruiting December onwards. Field tips Leaves 3-foliolate. Branchlets woolly at apices, spines upto 1.5 cm long. Leaf Arrangement Alternate-spiral Leaf Type Trifoliate Leaf Shape Obovate Leaf Apex Obtuse-apiculate Leaf Base Cuneate Leaf Margin Sinous Branches are used for fencing. Common in foothills, scrub jungle to 900m. North west India to the peninsular India. Found in dry slopes, and exposed rocks from 400 to 800m. Common. India. Attributions- Keystone Foundation) Identification please Id No.022 : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 3 authors. Place-Challakarae Dist-Chitradurga,Karnataka Habitat-Dry-land Date of Pic. taken-21.02.2013 The leaf, fruit, and branches structure looks like Rhus mysorensis of Sapindaceae Yes I agree with Rhus mysorensis Rhus mysorensis SMP MAY2016/5 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Sharing images of another Anacardiaceae member Rhus mysorensis Vetal Tekdi Pune Wonderful crisp images … it is always a pleasure to watch your posts…!!! Commifera spp for validation : 5 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1) attaching image of Commifera wightii? for validation please validate Or is it Rhus mysorensis? It looks like two different plants in this picture. One occupying the major portion with a bunch of fruits. Another is on the right side (down) corner. I also think it’s Rhus mysorensis yes its Indeed Rhus mysorensis, thank you all. later on i was able to sight Commifera wightti in wild, attaching images. I agree with the ID by … Any how, you may also check for Rhus trilobata to rule out it is not R.trilobata..
Rhus mysorensis अमानी
References: Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 (Unresolved) MMPND Flowers of India India Biodiversity Portal Trees of Andhra Pradesh, India By T. Pullaiah, S. Sandhya Rani |
Searsia mysorensis
Updated on December 24, 2024