Catharanthus pusillus

Catharanthus pusillus (Murray) G.Don , Gen. Hist. 4: 95 1837. (syn. Lochnerapusilla (Murray) K.Schum.; Vincaparviflora Retz.; Vincapusilla Murray);
Tiny Periwinkle, Tiny Vinca • Marathi: संगखी Sangkhi, रान केल Ran-kel, तिलोनी Tiloni • Tamil: Paalaich, chetthai, milakaych chakkalatti • Malayalam: chupa-vela • Telugu: kanupoolaku, erri mirapa, gulvidi, sukbanda, gaddipoolu • Kannada: bili kaasi kanigalu; 

Tiny Peri winkle Catharanthus Pussilus from Mysore | Family Apocynaceae:
Tiny Peri winkle with flower & seedpod
Native herb – Catharanthus Pussilus from Apocynaceae family (Plants containing Milky Sap, latex..,;  can be poisonous if consumed)
Height-1ft approx,
Small flower-1cms approx,
Leaves-Opposite, 7-8cms,
Habitat: Along the fence, agricultural fields.
Mirle village, Mysore dist
4.40PM, 24 July 2011

Yes, Catharanthus pusillus known for its medicinal properties. Could possibly be a good ornamental plant.

For Id from Hyderbad 20032013CS3 :  1 image. 5 posts by 4 authors.
A small erect weed with tiny white single flowers and twin pods forming from each flower. Sorry for the quality of the photos. Taken from cell

Please check for Catharanthus pusillus from Apocynaceae, A wild guess.

If it looks like this it is Catharanthus pusillus, a weed in cultivated fields.

Thank you … for the Id. Yes it does look like C. pusillus. Though the flower posted here is a little larger … many of the google images matched


For ID 010713GK : Attachments (3).  3 posts by 3 authors.

Kindly help in identification
Herb found on wasteland.  Solapur
Pictures taken on 29June13, 7.30AM.

I had earlier posted a picture of the same plant, but your images are so clear compared to that. It was identified as some Vinca sp.

With lanceolate acuminate leaves it looks Catharanthus pusillus (Apocynaceae).

Catharanthus pusillus : Attachments (3)
Location :- Krishi vigyan kendra, khapat, porbander
Dt :- 26 Aug. 2018

picture features are not very sharp and clear to me, but my guess is its vinca sp? barmasi in gujarati. lets see what … thinks

These three photographs (i.e. IMG-20180826-WA0069.jpg, IMG-20180826-WA0070.jpg, IMG-20180826-WA0071.jpg) are of Catharanthus pusillus (Murray) G.Don. [Apocynaceae]. It is known as કરપતીરાઇ in Gujarati.

what a logical name…. yes it is tinier than usual periwinkle…. i thought it was tiny because of stunted growth ie accidental happens in my own garden sometimes when we are away for weeks on end. but its not accidental or incidental to lack of nutrients, its a legitimate species … good to know…

Herb for ID, Vikarabad, Telangana NAW-DEC17-07 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Kindly identify this herb with minute white flowers photographed on fallow land near Vikarabad, Telangana in September 2018.

It is Catharanthus pusillus of Apocyanaceae

Yes. Catharanthus pusillus.


smriti van Jaipur7.9.2007; On 31/10/09 at Herbal Garden, on the outskirts of Hyderabad, A.P.; Pisol fort, Dhule, Maharashtra;ID(ID-DKB137) – indiantreepix | Google GroupsHerb for Id 101109Jm1 – intrepidity | Google GroupsCatharanthus pusillus — Apocynaceae – efloraofindia | Google Groups


Identification request01: 2 high res. images.
Habitat: Rocky slopes

Habit: Here
Location: Jaipur Rajasthan
Date: 01102023

Apocynaceae ??

I think close to images at


Apocynaceae: Catharanthus pusillus G.Don: 1 high res. image.

synonyms: Vinca pusilla Murray, Vinca parviflora Retz., Lochnera pusilla (Murray) K.Schum.
location/date: Chotannahalli, Tumkur Dist., Karnataka, July 1997


Updated on December 24, 2024

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