Cerbera manghas L., Sp. Pl. 208 1753. (Syn. Cerbera lactaria Buch.-Ham. ex D. Dietrich; Cerbera linnaei Montrouz.; Cerbera manghas var. acutisperma Boiteau ……; Cerbera odollam var. mugfordii F.M.Bailey; Cerbera tanghin Hook.; Cerbera venenifera (Poir.) Steud.; Elcana seminuda Blanco; Odollamia manghas (L.) Raf.; Odollamia moluca Raf.; Tabernaemontana obtusifolia Poir.; Tanghinia manghas (L.) G.Don; Tanghinia veneneflua G.Don; Tanghinia venenifera Poir.); . There is much debate as to the importance of the eye colour, which seems to be the only feature separating the two species. Cerbera odollam can be readily told apart by the yellow-centred flowers vis-à-vis initially orange-pink, but becoming red to purple with age for Cerbera manghas as per cookislands flower photos; . Australia (Northern Territory, Queensland), S-Taiwan, China (S-Guangdong, S-Guangxi, Hainan), Ryukyu Isl., Java, Cambodia, peninsular Malaysia (widespread), Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Andaman Isl. (Middle Andaman Isl., South Andaman Isl.), Nicobar Isl. (Central Nicobar Isl., Great Nicobar Isl., Little Nicobar Isl.), Myanmar [Burma] (Ayeyarwady, Bago, Rakhine, Taninthayi, Yangon), Bangladesh, Borneo, Lesser Sunda Isl., Moluccas, Philippines (throughout), Sulawesi, Sumatra, Bismarck Arch., New Guinea, Solomons, Tanzania, Mauritius, Madagascar, Seychelles, Comores, New Caledonia, Austral Isl. (Rurutu, Tubuai), Fiji, Nairai & Batiki Islands (Fiji group), Wallis & Futuna Isl., Christmas Isl. (Austr.), American Samoa (Manua Isl., Tutuila, Aunu’u, Ofu, Olosega, Ta’u), Banaba (Ocean) Isl., Cook Isl. (I) (Rarotonga (I)), Marquesas Isl. (Nuku Hiva, Ua Huka, Ua Pou, Hiva Oa, Tahuata), Marshall Isl. (Jaluit), Micronesia (Yap, Ifaluk, Truk, Moen, Tol, Lukunor, Kapingamarangi, Pohnpei, Kosrae), Palau Isl. (Babeldaob, Koror, Malakal, Angaur), Society Isl. (Raiatea, Tahiti, Bora Bora), Tonga (Tongatapu, Nomuka, ‘Eua, Lifuka, Vava’u, Niuatoputapu), Western Samoa (Aleipata Islands, Upolu, Savaii), Rotuma Isl., Pitcairn Isl., Chagos Arch. (Diego Garcia), Ile Amsterdam/St. Paul as per Catalogue of Life; . Odallam, Cerbera, reva, Jawa tree, Sea Mango, Madagascar ordeal bean,Odollam tree, pink-eyed cerbera, dog-bane • Marathi: Sukanu • Tamil: kodalma, kattarali, kottuma, caat aralie • Malayalam: utalam, chattankaya • Kannada: Chande, monde; . TSP-APR2016-13-313:Images of Cerbera manghas (Apocynaceae) : 10 posts by 6 authors. It is my pleasure to share few images of Cerbera manghas (Apocynaceae) Ref: http://florakarnataka.ces.iisc.ernet.in/hjcb2/herbsheet.php?id=395&cat=1 Habit: Small tree. Habitat: Cultivated, Ornamental Sighting: Bangalore, Karnataka, about 900 msl Date: 08-03-2016 Thanks again … for detailed pics of this beautiful species and many other from the region, whenever I will get a chance to visit that place, I might be knowing at least some of them…!! Beautiful pictures. May be you can add the fruit pictures too later. very nice. any fruits yet. is it flowering now?? Only 20% seeds germinate under normal conditions. Thanks … Fruit resembles that of Thevetia and is said to be extremely poisonous. …, the pics were take in March. No fruits at that point of time. Possibly it is still in blooms as there were plenty of buds. Cerbera manghas L. (accepted name) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2) Sharing some pictures of Cerbera manghas L. (accepted name) shot at Lal Bagh Banglore on 6 September 2015 ID correct ? Nice images, Yes they are Cerbera manghas also known as Sea mango
Trees of Lalbagh, Bangalore – Cerbera manghas – Sea Mango Tree: Sea Mango is a small evergreen coastal tree growing up 12 m tall. The shiny dark-green leaves are alternate, ovoid in shape. The flowers are fragrant, possessing a white tubular 5 lobed corolla about 3 to 5 cm in diameter, with a pink to red throat. They have 5 stamens and the ovary is positioned above the other flower parts. The fruits are egg-shaped, 5-10 cm long, and turn bright red at maturity. Sea Mango is native to Madagascar, South-East Asia, and many Pacific islands. Ink Illustration : Cerbera manghas: Great art, fantastic effort and skill, but why Sea mango… For me ‘Sea Mango’ is a misnomer for this plant. The fruits do not resemble mangoes neither in form nor in qualities. Apart from this the fruits are not only unpalatable but also extremely poisonous. The fruit is consumed for committing suicide. C. manghas is basically a littoral species i.e commonly found along the coast in association with mangroves. Alike several other species that are planted in our urban landscapes, there are trees found in Mumbai as well. …………….. I am glad people know that it is toxic… knowledge is half the battle… Its called sea mango because it looks like a normal wild mango in colour when ripen. …………………. Superb illustration again …. Cerbera manghas is also called Paniamba (Water mango) in Odiya. We have very good population of the same species in Odisha (Bhitarkanika Mangrove Ecosystem) and only confined to Khola creek, where the salinity is around 2 ppt as against the maximum salinity of 32 ppt towards the mouth. This species is less salinity tolerant and grow well in fresh water to low saline zone. When the survival rate (Regeneration status of this species start declining, it might be an indication that the salinity has started to increase. We are facing the same problem in Bhitarkanika due to increase salinity since last few years. Dr. K. Kathiresan has also indicated the same recently which is complementing our study on effect of reduced fresh water flow on the population of mangrove ecosystem which is yet to published. Sonneratia apetala (less saline tolerantspecies, which was one of the common species in Pichavaram mangroves, Tamil Nadu has lost its existence due to increase salinity (reduction in fresh water flow in to the swamp). S.apetala is also very common in Bhitarkanika (Khola creek). Our in-vivo germination study on 13 species of mangroves has shown the clear result of which species is going to affect maximum due to the intrusion of saline water in to the swamp. Once this paper will publish, i wl sahre within the group. cerbera manghas: Cerbera manghas of the Apocynaceae family. This plant is very poisonous. Seen at Obrabarage, Andaman Islands. at the edge of a large pond which is a mix of sweet and salty water. The photographs were taken on the second or third of January this year Cerbera manghas L. Apocynaceae : Attachments (4). 3 posts by 3 authors. Nice set of photographs. Sea mangoes must be poisonous???
I am attaching the photographs of Cerbera manghas. Synonyms: Cerbera venenifera, Tanghinia venenifera ( family: Apocynaceae) Photographed on 10.09.2011. Place. Lalbagh, Bangalore. Cerbera Species for ID : Dattaji Salvi Udyan, Thane : 06MAY19 : AK-8 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) Cerbera Species with darker flowers seen at this cultivated garden in Thane. i have seen this in some of my travels. same as what we have in the Ganges delta, but only red tinged leaves and fruits and flowers. what i remembered most is the red veins of the slightly broader leaves. Cerbera odolllam rubra. i found a link for the plant i had seen This seems to be the same. he has a mixed bag on that page. top several pictures are some other cerbera sp or cultivars. i am not totally sure. but this picture has leaves that resemble yours Thanks, … Keys are available as per Flora of Singapore & UBC Botanical garden forum & cookislands flower photos: There is much debate as to the importance of the eye colour, which seems to be the only feature separating the two species. Cerbera odollam can be readily told apart by the yellow-centred flowers vis-à-vis initially orange-pink, but becoming red to purple with age for as per cookislands flower photos; In view, images given in i found a link, should be a cultivar/ hybrid of Cerbera manghas L.
Kindly identify the tree. Date/Time- 13 OCT 2019 Location-Place, Altitude, GPS- Lalbag, Bengaluru, Karnataka Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Garden Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Tree Height/Length- 8 meters Flowers – White. Rising from sepals. Remnants of flower fallen under tree. I guess these are sepals Cerbera manghas L. No sir. Not Cerbera. Sorry Sir. My mistake. Cerbera it is. I made this mistake because I have never seen in budding stage …… only fully open flowers. It is ok … I also got confused. Anyways, sorted it out quickly. Yes, C. manghas. the bud is short and stalky, unlike tall pointed ones in C. tanghin. … I appreciate the tree picture very much … is correct. This is Cerbera manghas only. I have seen this tree a number of times during my visits to Lalbagh. http://www.flowersofindia.SeaMango.html Yes …! Already rectified by … yes. you all have photographed the same tree. MS/2/2020/4 – Cerbera odollam : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5) Please confirm the ID of the tree : Date/Time- September 2019 Location-Place, Bangalore :Mysore Highway Hotel Udupi. Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type- Wild : Garden Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Herb : Tree Leaves : crowded at the tip of the branches Height/Length- 15 ft Flowers : orangish pink/ white : various shades It is Cerbera manghas rather than Cerbera odollam as per keys and details herein. Thanks … I was under the impression that both the species are same. yes it is not Cerebera odollum . Cerbera manghas from Lal Bagh Bangalore-GS03022022-4: 3 high res. images.
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Cerbera manghas
Updated on December 24, 2024