Ilex umbellulata (Wall.) Loes., Nova Acta Acad. Caes. Leop.-Carol. German. Nat. Cur. 78: 100 1901. (syn: Ilex godajam var. sulcata (Wall. ex Hook. f.) Kurz; Ilex sulcata Wall. ex Hook.f.; Ilex umbellulata var. megalophylla Loes.; Pseudehretia umbellulata (Wall.) Turcz.) as per The Plant List Ver.1.1; . Ilex umbellulata (Wallich) Loesener in Engler & Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 1: 218. 1897. (Syn: Ehretia umbellulata Wallich in Roxburgh, Fl. Ind. 2: 344. 1824; Ilex godajam (Colebrooke) J. D. Hooker var. sulcata (Wallich ex J. D. Hooker) Kurz; I. sulcata Wallich ex J. D. Hooker; I. umbellulata var. megalophylla Loesener; Pseudehretia umbellulata (Wallich) Turczaninow.) as per Flora of China ?; .
. A wild tree with 31 wild birds -Wild Tree ID from Bangladesh SM087 : 12 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1). Birding 5 am to 6.30 pm under a wild tree at Kaptai forest, Hill Tracts and seen 31 species birds came to feed a wild fruits on a same tree. Name of the Tree: Unidentified (Please see the attached PDF and see some example ) You seem to be staying in a very rich environment what with the amount of varied plants that you have been posting and the birds that you have seen in a single morning. Envying you greatly…. It is a good example of interdependence of trees and birds. Next year I will also give some days during the fruiting season It will be nice if he provides still close up image of tree To me the tree species seems to be Antidesma bunius. It is known as Bor-heloch in Assam. A good document on symbiosis. Thanks to … pls share more photos having close view of the the leaves, fruits & flowers to help experts to identify the plant. The ID of the plant will help us. Here some close view of the the leaves, fruits & trunk. Attachments (7). Please find the details below: After a long view and studying identification views by different group members, images depict an umbellules of more than 10 fruits. For my observations this plant should be Ilex umbellulata (Wall.) Loes. (Family: Aquifoliaceae) differing from other related species (Ilex godajam Colebr. ex Hook.f.) by its habit (a climber). For Antidesma bunius inflorescence is always terminal and axillary, simple, solitary or paired and long. Synonym: Ilex sulcata Wall. ex Hook.f. Ilex godajam???? . An avian feeding guild exploits the fruit of Ilex: Ilex umbellulata : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) – Kaptai-NP.pdf . An avian feeding guild exploits the fruit of Ilex umbellulata at Kaptai National Park, Bangladesh : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) – Sourav MSH 2016.pdf . Id pls. From Sylhet, Bangladesh . Date May 2024 . Shrub or law tree: 7 images. মিল পেলাম আপু। ধন্যবাদ , এটা নয়। আমি গতকাল পেয়েছি সভবত সঠিক পরিচয় । Can you please write text in English ? কি নাম পেলেন ম্যাডাম? Ilex sp. Family Aquafoliaceae It appears close to Ilex umbellulata as per images at |
Ilex umbellulata
Updated on December 24, 2024