Aglaonema commutatum


The white spoon like structure that you see is not bud but spathe, and you can see a brownish finger-like structure emerging from one of these. This collection of flowers known as spadix, flowers are very small though.  



Garden plant for ID 260511MK1: Please identify this ornamental plant found in a private garden at Chennai
taken on 20 May 2011.
Leaves about 1 feet long.
This was taken by my friend and I have no idea of this plant. 

I hope Aglaonema commutatum

Aglaonema species.  Very common plant in Chennai city, mostly a potted plant.

I agree with …  Aglaonema commutatum Schott of Araceae, very common in Indonesia. 


AGLONEMA COMMUTATUM flowers not opening ID 120005: I have this AGLONEMA COMMUTATUM/Silver queen plant in my garden. The buds have not bloomed for almost 3 weeks now. Kindly tell me if they take long to bloom or have they died or am I mistaking something else as buds? 

it is already flowering. The white spoon like structure that you see is not bud but spathe, and you can see a brownish finger-like structure emerging from one of these. This collection of flowers known as spadix,
flowers are very small though.

Small correction. The generic name is Aglaonema


id 45030 plant with variegated leaves for identification: Kindly identify this plant with variegated leaves. This plant has never
flowered so far.
Would like to know if it flowers? 


Ornamental Plant for ID : Mumbai : 231011 : AK-1: Picture taken at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai on the 15th of August,11.
A small ornamental plant having red fruits.
No flowers seen.




Aglaonema commutatum:  Aug 2012 – Oct 2012
Sharing images of Aglaonema commutatum inflorescence at my home at Pune. I have this plant for few years but had never seen those drops on the inflorescence (IMG_3158.jpg & IMG_3158_1.jpg ) before.

Very good photographs 


Aglaonema commutatum Schott
Photographed from Delhi, please validate

Yes … a very popular houseplants for partly shaded areas of sun patios and poolsides esp in southern florida gardens, but all over in nurseries as houseplant.
you seem to have captured tww of the cultivars … silver queen and some other. very light or even yellowing of leaves is mostly attributed to overexposure to bright or harsh sunlight.
Right now where you are you’ll find them in coastal nurseries in the shaded areas in large pots

Thanks .., yes there seem to be more than one cultivars/species

I now realize that my second, fourth and fifth photograph belong to a distinct cultivar A. commutatum ‘Silver Queen

First and third photograph I hope belong to A. commutatum ‘Emerald Beauty

Thanks … now I get to know the name of the second cultivar the Emerald Beauty.. DID YOU FIND SOME MORE  NEW ONES IN CALIFORNIA COASTAL NURSERIES?
From Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai. Pictures taken on 15/8/11.

I have never seen its flower or fruit before. Thanks for it.

Thanks for showing an interesting plant … and this being your 100th post of the fortnight is also an achievement..

Looks to be the cultivar ‘Emerald Beauty’, also uploaded by me.





4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5).  
This ornamental herb is also from Mumbai. Could this be some Dieffenbachia sp??

Aglaonema sp.

I hope Aglaonema commutatum ‘Emerald Beauty’



Attachments (1).  
Is this some Dieffenbachia sp.

Aglaonema sp. I think.

Aglaonema commutatum ‘Silver Queen’



Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight- Araceae 04 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4).  
here are few pictures of Aglaonema sp. I am out of touch of foliage plants thus forgotten their names also. ID please.

Yes Aglaonema

Very good photographs.

Aglaonemaspecies in India (with details/ keys from regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available) & eFloraofindia  

Aglaonema ‘Silver Queen’ I hope



To me this seems second species of Agalonema from same nursery..
Please help to get specific id..

Aglaonema commutatum ‘Pseudobracteatum’


Updated on December 24, 2024

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