Amorphophallus muelleri Blume, Rumphia 1: 143 1837. (Syn: Amorphophallus blumei (Schott) Engl. [Illegitimate]; Amorphophallus burmanicus Hook.f.; Amorphophallus carnosus Engl.; Amorphophallus erubescens Hett.; Amorphophallus oncophyllus Prain ex Hook.f.; Amorphophallus planus Teijsm. & Binn.; Amorphophallus timorensis Alderw.; Arum muelleri Zipp. ex Blume; Brachyspatha muelleri (Blume) Schott; Conophallus blumei Schott [Illegitimate]; Conophallus muelleri (Blume) Miq.; Conophallus planus (Teijsm. & Binn.) Miq.); .
Flora of Andaman33- 110111-PKA1: I had seen this herb in shade of Licuala. Looks like some Araceae sp.? Date/Time: 22-12-2010 / 01:15PM – Only 2 Amorphophallus species occur at Andaman: Am. muelleri and Am. longistylus. Because I was unfamiliar with the berries of longistylus I have asked Amorphophallus expert Wilbert Hetterscheid and according to him the shape of the fruits on the picture is more towards muelleri. As this species is widespread and variable the markings on the stalk are of little help. So not 100% certain but most likely Am. muelleri. . Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight: Araceae-:: Amorphophallus muelleri?? from Andaman :: PKA10: : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2). I had seen this Araceae herb in shade of Licuala. Bot. name: Amorphophallus muelleri?? Amorphophallus, andamans for id. mm2 27 03 2013 : Amorphophallus, Wandoor, Andamans on the edge of a forest path last week of december. would very much appreciate a identification. ——————– This is an earlier post by … with some relevant information. [efloraofindia:60043] Flora of Andaman33- 110111-PKA1 Only 2 Amorphophallus species occur at Andaman: Am. muelleri and Am. longistylus. Because I was unfamiliar with the berries of longistylus I have asked Amorphophallus expert Wilbert Hetterscheid and according to him the shape of the fruits on the picture is more towards muelleri. As this species is widespread and variable the markings on the stalk are of little help. So not 100% certain but most likely Am. muelleri. Amorphophallus paeoniifolius ?? Amorphophallus muelleri as per Flora of Andaman33- 110111-PKA1
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Amorphophallus muelleri
Updated on December 24, 2024