Amorphophallus mysorensis E.Barnes & C.E.C.Fisch., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1939: 661 1940. ;
[Efloraofindia_ Amorphophallus dubius_291111PD02_ Flora of Orissa] : 8 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (3) sending the photograph of Amorphophallus dubius from Ranpur Name of the species: Amorphophallus dubius Family: Euphorbiaceae Place of collection: Ranpur, orissa Habit: Perennial erect herb Habitat: Wild, along scrub forests associated with Phoenix sylvestris Altitude: 320 m above msl Oh great catch indeed. Forwarding again for validation please as Amorphophallus dubius Blume is a syn. of Amorphophallus paeoniifolius (Dennst.) Nicolson, Taxon 26: 337 (1977). as per WCSP. This is surely a somewhat difficult plant to identify. It is certainly NOT A. dubius, which is a long forgotten synonym of paeoniifolius. It is either margaritifer or mysorensis. My guess is the last one, although the appendix is rather short but this is a known variable in this species. I am VERY interested in where this plant was photographed and if anyone identified the beetle in it. It would seem to be from Orissa which is halfway between the geographical ranges of both species. I would also like to request if there is any possibility of having some living material of this species for our research collection. |
Amorphophallus mysorensis
Updated on December 24, 2024