Anaphyllum wightii Schott, Gen. Aroid. 83 1858. ; . Tall herbs, rhizome creeping. Leaves pinnatisect or pinnatipartite; lobes 3-8 pairs, 20-28 x 5-10 cm, usually narrower, elliptic to oblong, apex acute, sessile or petiolulate; petiole 60-150 cm long, erect, 5-10 cm thick, smooth or transversally rugose, brownish. Spadix 15-30 cm long, 5-8 cm broad; spathe open, deep brown, once or twice twisted; spikes 4.5 cm long, 8-10 mm thick. Flowers bisexual, densely arranged, 3-6 mm across; perianth lobes 4, obovate, truncate; stamens 6, free, filaments broad; ovary 1-celled, ovule solitary, style short, stigma discoid. Fruit a globose achene. Flowering and fruiting: January-February Evergreen and semi-evergreen forests Southern Western Ghats (endemic) (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal) . Aracaceae, Araceae & Zingiberaceae Fortnight 1-14Aug14: Anaphyllum wightii from Kerala : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3). Another unique upload. Thanks for sharing Family: Araceae
May I request you to post closeup of the spadix / plant I think close to images at Right |
Anaphyllum wightii
Updated on December 24, 2024