Cryptocoryne spiralis (Retz.) Fisch. ex Wydler, Linnaea 5: 428 1830. (Syn: Ambrosina spirialis (Retz.) Roxb.; Arum spirale Retz.; Cryptocoryne huegelii Schott; Cryptocoryne tortuosa Blatt. & McCann);
Kas Week: Come Alive: The parched plateau of Kas comes alive suddenly with the first monsoon shower. Unlike last few years this happens in first week of June. The life cycle of hoards of hibernating plants with underground bulbs and tubers begins with a bang. The life cycle of insects also begins and that awakens the hibernating frogs like the Cricket Frog seen along with Single Leaved Habenaria. June is the month of this orchid and the whole of Kas plateau wears white flowers and its fragrance too. Unfortunately flower lovers who wait for mass flowering of September miss this grand show. Another curious plant comes to life at this time. I request members who already know this plant to refrain from revealing ID of this and appeal others to enjoy guessing. I will post the interesting information at the end of episode. Kas Week: Concluding with the ‘Curious Plant’: I hope 2 images posted earlier aroused enough curiosity. The aquatic plant with most curious life cycle on the Kas Plateau- At the begining of monsoon, as soon as water collects in the depression on the plateau, a pink bud (Curious 1) rises above through the wet ground. The stalk grows very rapidly to about 10 cm and the bud opens up to disguise like a flower (Curious 2). This is actually the capsule of Cryptocoryne spiralis, of Araceae. The seeds get dispersed in shallow flowing water and germinate. The plant then grows a cluster of cauline leaves in wet season (Curious 3), the corm lying well below the ground. At the end of rainy season a spadix inflorescence grows from the base of the plant (Curious 4) and sends out a spiral spathe above the ground. The insects enter through the spiral entrance and pollinate the underground spadix. The capsule and seeds remain underground (Crypt) and await the next rainy season to emerge above ground. Many Araceae plants have elongating peduncle like this one, some even bury themselves from above when the ground is still wet. All this is to protect seeds below ground till the wet season. I conclude my contribution to Kas episode with this plant that fascinates me the most. Was so inspired by … account, that I searched some more on this plant and found this link. What an inspiring write up Very interesting plant and interesting information. I imagine what insects take courage to go inside to pollinate it 🙂 Cryptocryne as the name can be translated as Spadix hidden in spathe !! Very interesting. Thanks a lot for sharing sir. A great anecdoteof the interesting life cycle of Cryptocoryne….is beautifully narrated! I couldn’t guess when you shared the pictures, and was waiting for this post with curiosity. Thanks …, I am now enlightened! Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight: Araceae-:: Cryptocoryne spiralis from North Karnataka:: PKA17:: : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3). Thanks … You always have a unique collection. Cryptocoryne retrospiralis : ……………………. Here I am attaching images of two species, collected from Maharshtra, last week on a trip to Kolhapur District.. Attachments (2) ID of the flower : 9 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (3) Please identify this flower. Location – Kass plateau, Satara, Maharashtra Month – June 2010 this is Cryptocoryne spiralis Cryptocoryne spiralis is a completely submerged aquatic plant and hence I think the plant in the photo can’t be the one. But looks very close to Christisonia calcarata from Orobanchaceae. A different species of this genus is quite possible. I agree with … it looks like some root parasite a member of Yes, this is Cryptocoryne; but funnily these are not the flowers. They thank you … i am 100%sure about this Cryptocoryne Really fantastic.. References: |
Cryptocoryne spiralis
Updated on December 24, 2024