Rhaphidophora pertusa (Roxb.) Schott, Bonplandia (Hannover) 5: 45 1857. (Syn: Monstera pertusa (Roxb.) Schott; Pothos pertusus Roxb.; Rhaphidophora lacera Hassk. [Illegitimate]; Scindapsus peepla Thwaites; Scindapsus pertusus (Roxb.) Schott);
efloraofindia:”For Id 17092011MR1’’ plant with leaves having holes natural? insects?Pune: request for identification Date/Time-Sep 2011 Location-Place, Altitude, GPS-Pune Habitat- Garden/ Urban/ Wild/ Type-Garden Plant Habit-Tree/ Shrub/ Climber/ Herb- Potted plant Height/Length- about 2 feet Leaves Type/ Shape/ Size- green with holes Flowers & Fruits not seen Rhaphidophora (Araceae)? I think the plant is Epipremnum pinnatum. Whatever the plant may be, just to bring to your notice that, its actually wrong to say “INCORRECTLY NAMED AS”. The best word to describe such name is “SYNONYM” !! It could be a var. of Philodendron. Could be Monstera obliqua. common name window leaf Yes, It is Monstera obliqua. comonly available in nurseries in Maharashtra. Following are the replies from Dr David Scherberich ((http://www.aroidpictures.fr)) and Botanist Peter Boyce who did the revision of the genus Rhaphidophora Dr David Scherberich’s reply is as follows ———————————————————–. Thank you for your message. Do you have any information on the origin of this plant? I think it is most probably a Monstera but I am not sure about the species. Among other characteristics, the perforations of the leaves clearly excludes the genus Philodendron. Neither is it Epipremnum pinnatum. The stem on this species is always distinctly ridged. You can see it here: Another thing, the leaves on Epipremnum pinnatum also have typical very small holes along the midrib. It is not very obvious on my pictures but you can guess them on the leave on the back here: —————- When I replied to him that the plant is from Maharashtra India the following was his reply …, I am glad I could help you. Monstera is a genus of about 60 species but it is exclusively from tropical America. I think that your plant is probably Rhaphidophora pertusa (Roxb.) Schott, a species from Southern India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. I am not very familiar with that species, now if you would like to be sure you could ask Peter Boyce who did the revision of the genus Rhaphidophora. His email address is …. I am joining here for you an article on three aroids from Bangladesh with a drawing of R. pertusa. ———————————————————————————- I wrote to Mr Peter Boyce who replied I can confirm that this is definitely Rhaphidophora pertusa (Roxb.) Schott; Here is the entry form the forthcoming Flora of Thailand account. Note in particular the full (confirmed) natural range. 15. Rhaphidophora pertusa (Roxb.) Schott, Bonplandia (Hannover) 5(3): 45. 1857 & Prodr. Syst. Aroid.: 382. 1860; Engler in A.L.P.de Candolle &A.C.P.de Candolle, Monogr. Phan. 2: 244–245. 1879; Hooker, Fl. Brit. India 6: 546–547. 1893; Engler & Krause in A.Engler, Pflanzenr. 37(IV.23B): 47–48. 1908; Hu, Dansk Bot. Ark. 23: 423. 1968. — Pothos pertusa Roxb. Hort. Beng.: 83. 1814. — Monstera pertusa (Roxb.) Schott, Wiener Z. Kunst 1830: 1028. 1830. — Scindapsus pertusus (Roxb.) Schott in H.W.Schott & S.L.Endlicher, Melet. Bot.: 21. 1832 Large to very large, robust to massive climber. Stems terete, up to 3.5 cm diam. Leaves evenly scattered along climbing stems, although tending to be somewhat clustered towards stem tips; petiole 20–35 cm long, somewhat deeply canaliculate, pronounced-pulvinate at apex; petiolar sheath extending ca 1/3 along petiole, soon withering; leaf blade (juvenile) ovate, oblong-ovate or oblong-elliptic, entire and not perforated; (adult) broadly ovate-oblong to almost rounded-ovate, 20–50 × 15-25 cm, acute or usually cuspidate-acuminate and rounded or subcordate at base, simple, unequal sided, entire or irregularly and shallowly lobed, occasionally with large holes and some of the perforations usually extending to the margin.Inflorescence solitary, often displaced by shoot extension and thus often appearing lateral; peduncle 5–18 cm long; spathe coriaceous, oblong, acuminate, 15–20 × 10 cm when expanded, greenish at first, becoming whitish thence yellowish or pale pinkish orange, soon withering and deciduous; spadix cylindrical, 10–15 cm × 1.5-2.5 cm diam., pale orange at anthesis; stylar plate conical; stigma punctiform. Infructescence not observed. Thailand. — NORTH-EASTERN: Loei. Distribution. — Sri Lanka (but there not collected in more than a century), S. India north-eastwards (type) through to Bangladesh and Myanmar to N. Thailand Ecology. — Evergreen forest or mixed deciduous lowland to montane forest, on granite and limestone. Valparai TBN 280614 for id/ TBN June 7 : 13 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (1). Please identify this creeper seen in the rain forest at Valparai. This looks like a species of Monstera. I am agree with … What about Philodendron domesticum? In Monstera the leaves are much dissected! Were the leaves dissected in the plants ? I understood that the creeper is the same or it resembles the common ornamental creeper used in landscaping which has split leaves. I an sorry, I am not sure about the name. Epipremnum species (earlier Pothos ) If from wild, it may be Rhaphidophora pertusa. I think … got it right Thanks … However leaves seem to be entire and not divided. Both the types of leaves (pinnatisect and entire) are present in this species.
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Rhaphidophora pertusa
Updated on December 24, 2024