Aiphanes horrida

Aiphanes horrida (Jacq.) Burret, Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 11: 575 1932. (Syn: Aiphanes caryotifolia (Kunth) H.Wendl.);

by Aarti S Khale (Validation by Balkar Singh) & Raman Arunachalam (Id by Aarti S Khale) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details,
click on the links)




Aiphanes horrida is a palm native to northern South America and Trinidad and Tobago.

Aiphanes horrida is a solitary, spiny tree. In the wild it grows 3–10 metres tall (9–30 feet) tall with a stem diameter of 6–10 centimetres (2–4 inches); cultivated trees may be as much as 15 m (49′) tall with a 15 cm (6″) diameter.[3] The epicarp and mesocarp of the fruit rich in carotene and are eaten in Colombia, while the seeds are used to make candles.[4]
In parts of the Colombian Llanos endocarps are used to play games.[3] 
The range of the species is found in dry forests between sea level and 1700 m (5600′) above sea level in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela, but is not native to Ecuador.[4] The species is cultivated as an ornamental throughout the tropics.[3] 
Aiphanes horrida is commonly known by a variety of names including Cocos rura, Mararay, Corozo, Macagüita, Marará,[4] Macahuite, Corozo del Orinoco, Corozo anchame, Mararava, Cubarro, Chonta, Chascaraza, Charascal, Corozo chiquito, Corozo colorado, Pujamo, Gualte, Chonta ruro,[3] Pupunha xicaxica,[6] Coyure palm, Ruffle palm, Aculeata palm[7] and Spine palm. 
(From Wikipedia on 12.6.13)

Ruffle Palm : Flower Show : 090811 : AK: Ruffle Palm as seen at the Flower Show, Jijamata Udyan, on 18 th & 19 th of Feb, 2011.
This was a small palm, probably a young plant.

This may be Aiphanes caryotifolia





Request Palm Tree ID 155 – Lalbagh, Bangalore – RA : Attachments (7).  3 posts by 2 authors.
Leaves look like fish tail palm (caryota) spines look like Bactris

Kindly check for Aiphanes caryotifolia. common names Ruffle Palm, Coyure Palm.
I had seen at the Flower Show in Mumbai.

Thanks …
It looks like it.


Plant seen at Flower Show, Mumbai and the bark photographed in Nasik.


Updated on December 24, 2024