Calamus floribundus Griff., Calcutta J. Nat. Hist. 5: 56 1845. (Syn: Calamus mishmeensis Griff.; Palmijuncus floribundus (Griff.) Kuntze; Palmijuncus mishmeensis (Griff.) Kuntze);
ID requested (DSCF3894): Picture taken in Dudhwa NP (U.P.) 24.03.2008. Found in abundance throught the jungle. It is different from the normal palm that we grow in our gardens. Main stem is slender having a tendency to creep. Thorns are present in the leaves. Locally it is referred as ‘Tiger palm’. Its a Calamus floribundus, commonly known as Cane and used for making baskets. References: |
Calamus floribundus
Updated on December 24, 2024