Calamus metzianus Schltdl., Linnaea 26: 727 1855. (Syn: Calamus rivalis Thwaites ex Trimen; Calamus rudentum Mart. [Illegitimate]; Palmijuncus rivalis (Thwaites ex Trimen) Kuntze) ? ; .
efloraindia: Cane flowering : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2). Sharing the images of Calamus travancoricus It is not Calamus travancoricus. Please send more photos for the confirmation of ID Yes I too agree with … that this is not C. travencoricus. Please send more pictures especially pictures that shows the stem and leaf sheath that clearly shows the thorns. Pl. find the attached file contain photos for id. confirmation. Attachments (5). Probably Calamus tenuis This doesn’t even look like C. tenuis. Please check Calamus metzianus Calamus dransfieldii Renuka ?? . References: |
Calamus metzianus ?
Updated on December 24, 2024