Caryota obtusa

Arunachal Pradesh to China (S. Yunnan) and Indo-China (from WCSP);

MS,May,2015/02 Caryota sp. for ID : 10 posts by 4 authors. Attachments(2)

Location : Darlawn, Mizoram
Date : 12/05/2015
Habit : Large palm
Habitat : Both wild & cultivated

Caryota species in eFIoraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

Caryota obtusa

This looks like the Jaggery Palm, Caryota urens. But we will wait for the experts to advise.

Please check if we have Caryota urens L., for there is one C. obtusa Griff. which maybe present in the region (ref. FBI, 6:422) and FoC informs it is the species which was misidentified as C. urens L.

I mean Please check if we have Caryota urens L., in wild.


Thank you very much for these additional plates. I am no expert. To me, the 2nd plate looks like C. maxima Blume ex Mart., since leaves are borne along upper half of stem.

That I do not know … Attached herewith the FBI entry, please check if this helps. Also KEW herb of C. obtusa

I appreciate your efforts but I really do not have any idea. However, if FoC and FoP are correct about number of stamens then this 4th plate should not be C. urens L.


MS,June, 2021/11 Caryota sp. for id.: 5 images.
Location : Aizawl, Mizoram

Date : 10-04-2015
Habit : Unbranched palm
Habitat : Cultivated

Caryota obtusa?

Updated on December 24, 2024

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