Corypha umbraculifera

Andaman Is.; Bangladesh; Cambodia; India; Myanmar; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Trinidad-Tobago as per Catalogue of Life;
kor-RY-fuh — Greek: koryphe (summit, top), referring to the giant terminal growth of this palm … Dave’s Botanary
um-brak-yoo-LIF-er-a — shade-bearing (as in an umbrella) … Dave’s Botanary 

Profuse flowering of some Palm at Yana- 03022011-PKA2:
I had seen this spectacular sight in the forest on a small hill near Yana (North karnataka).  I could see the profuse flowering of some palm tree. I was too far and thus tried to capture this with max  possible zoom.. Do have a look at these enclosed snaps..

Date/Time: 20-01-2011  05:45PM
Location: Yana
Habitat: Wild

– i think this palm tree is national tree of srilanka

Corypha umbraculifera commonly known as Talipot Palm

– Yes, It is a monocarpic palm (flowers only once in its life).
Like Ficus, It has been considered as a keystone species which provide food for many insects, birds, bats and other animals. It takes about 30-40 years for flowering. Those who have access to Springer, please read the article at


Re: Profuse flowering of some Palm at Yana- 03022011-PKA2:
I have seen this palm in vile parle, about 5 to 6 yrs abck. It had come in paper. I think genus is same, not know whether the sps also is same.
Is it Corypha or Caryota?
Even at that time it had come in paper that it flowers once in 30 to 40yrs.
It was fun when we went there. Any one you ask in vileparle how and where to go? They use to guide us.


The flowering palm:
Picture of the flowering palm (which looked like Corypha) on Cambridge Road, Bangalore.

– Looking at the floral crown I think it is Corypha umbraculifera (Talipot palm). The tree dies after the flowering is over.

– I think .. is right, it is Corypha umbraculifera. Please refer the link below.

– In Malayalam – Kudappana , and there are some places in Trivandrum named after this- Kudappanakunnu , Kudappanamoodu. kunnu means hill and moodu means part of the shoot just above ground

– Yes it is Talipot, one of the largest inflorescence in the world.


Can you please let us know where and when these pictures are taken and if this palm is still in bloom. It is a great event every plant lover would like to witness.

Its on (inside ranka court) cambridge road, ulsoor, Bangalore.

You can see the fruits forming now.
I keep looking at it every time I pass this tree, can’t enough of it.
The mere thought it will die after the fruits mature looks unbelievable.


Corypha (?) bloom:
There is a palm tree blooming spectacularly on Cambridge Road (opp. Vijaya Bank, about 100m north of Frank Anthony’s public school) and looks rather like Corypha umbraculifera. Perhaps someone with botanical expertise can check the identity of this palm. It looks especially good in the morning

It belongs to the compound of the Ranka Court apartment complex on Cambridge Road where I stay. After being alerted by the original landowner family (Keshavaraj family), I took a few pics of it and had sent them to Deccan Herald in case they were interested. Also sent to …., who on the contrary, was quite interested in it. As attachments are not allowed I can’t send the pics to this site.

Palm for ID : 160511 : AK-3:
Again taken at Jijamata Udyan, Mumbai on the 4th of Feb, 2011.

The leaves here are costa-palmate and the segment tips are not drooping, so L. chinensis is ruled out. This is (wish of a unscientific man) a young Corypha umbraculifera, the Talipot.

Foto here is Corypha umbraculifera L. ” Talipot palm
i think this photo is taken near Bal Shivaji statue..


corypha umbraculifera
corypha umbraculifera
, please confirm
image 150 is a sapling, 154 and 155 are of a mature tree
photographed at a nursery in goa in july of this year


Male Palmyra Palm Flowering?:
Saw this unique palm tree closer to Chennai on the East Coast Road. Guess it is a male flower on the Palmyra Palm (Borassus) or is it an epiphyte that’s growing up a dying tree?
Experts may confirm. The photo could be seen here.

It is Corypha umbraculifera (Talipot palm).
So, now you have seen the largest inflorescence in the plant world….congrats!

Talipot Palm is one of the largest palms in the world; individual specimens have reached heights of up to 25 m, with stems up to 1.3 m in diameter.
It is a fan palm with large palmate leaves up to 5 m in diameter, with a petiole up to 4 m, and up to 130 leaflets. 
The Talipot palm bears the largest inflorescence of any plant, 6-8 m long, consisting of one to several million small flowers borne on a branched stalk that forms at the top of the trunk. The Talipot palm is monocarpic, flowering only once, when it is 30 to 80 years old. It takes about a year for the fruit to mature, producing thousands of round yellow-green fruit 3-4 cm diameter, containing a single seed. The plant dies after fruiting.
The Talipot palm is cultivated throughout southeast Asia, north to southern China.  
Historically, the leaves were written upon in various Southeast Asian cultures using an iron stylus to create palm leaf manuscripts. The leaves are also used for thatching, and the sap is tapped to make palm wine.

Mind blowing shots …


It is supposed to have the largest inflorescence.


Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight :: Arecaceae :: Corypha umbraculifera :: Mumbai :: ARKAUG-61 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4).
Attached are pictures of Corypha umbraculifera (Talipot palm) captured at Mumbai in August 2014.
Requested to please validate the ID.

I think I have jumbled up the pictures…Is the first picture also a Talipot (it belongs to a different individual)

Apologies, attaching the pics in the correct orientation….

Seen at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
Posted on our group, suggested id was Sabal palmetto by … and …
Sabal mexicana by ….

This has been identified by … as Corypha umbraculifera.


Please validate the id of this plant details of which are as follows:
Date : 10.06.12                                                       
Location :Keelamathur, near Sholavandan , on the banks of Vaigai river, Madurai, Tamilnadu
Altitude :less than 500ft

Habitat :/ cultivated/ /?wild
Habit :palm
Height :100ft
Leaves :palm 

I think that the tree was in the terminal stage, bearing mature fruits and therefore had no fan shaped leaves.



Palm tree for ID : 180111 : AK-2:
Taken at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka on the 17th of November,2010.

-Looks like cabbage palm (Sabal palmetto). Not sure. Cannot be confirmed as the photograph is not clear. Flash a photograph of the leaves as well.

Corypha umbraculifera as per another recent thread.

via Species‎ > ‎C‎ > Corypha umbraculifera L. … family: Arecaceae ~ Palmae
Flowers of India Discussions at efloraofindia more views in flickr more views on Google Earth
kor-RY-fuh — Greek: koryphe (summit, top), referring to the giant terminal growth of this palm … Dave’s Botanary
um-brak-yoo-LIF-er-a — shade-bearing (as in an umbrella) … Dave’s Botanary 
commonly known astalipot palm • Hindiबजरबट्टू bajar-battu • Kannadaಈಂದು induಶ್ರೀತಾಳೀ ಮರ shritali mara • Konkaniसत्र्येचो माड satryecho-madतळतमाड्डो talatamaddo • Malayalamകുടപ്പന kudappanaതാളി tali • Marathiताली tali • Oriyaତାଳୀ tali • Sanskritअल्पायुषी alpayushi • Tamilதாளி taliதாளிப்பனை tali-p-panai• Teluguశ్రీతాళము sritalamu • Tuluಪನೊಲಿದ ಮರ panolida mara 
botanical namesCorypha umbraculifera L. … synonymsBessia sanguinolenta Raf. • Corypha guineensis L. … The Plants List (2013). Version 1.1. 
December 17, 2012 … Yana Rocks, Uttara Kannada 

Flowering only once in lifetime!

Yes, thanks …
I also read at Wikipedia – that it is one of largest palms, and bears the largest (branched) inflorescence of any plant, 6–8 m (20–26 ft) long, consisting of one to several million small flowers borne on a branched stalk that forms at the top of the trunk.

Regarding ಈಂದು indu: The correct form is  ” ಇಂದು “.
 Secondly ಶ್ರೀತಾಳೀ ಮರ shritali mara  is written as  ಶ್ರೀತಾಳೆಮರ
(Śrītāḷemara) in Old Mysore area.  You can keep both Tali and Tale as pronunciation in Southern Karnataka is Tale and in North karnataka it is Tali .
P.S. :  if you desire I  will send my article published  in StarofMysore a few years back on this tree.

Thank you very very much dear … for pointing to the typos, and for the clarifications.

Will do the changes and put the revised content here.
Not only the article; please post as many (rather all) of them at a frequency convenient to you. They will be eagerly read, and certainly will richen our database.

kor-RY-fuh — Greek: koryphe (summit, top), referring to the giant terminal growth of this palm … Dave’s Botanary
um-brak-yoo-LIF-er-a — shade-bearing (as in an umbrella) … Dave’s Botanary

commonly known as: talipot palm • Hindi: बजरबट्टू bajar-battu • Kannada: ಬೀಸಣಿಗೆ ಮರ beesanige mara, ಇಂದು indu, ಕೊಡೆಮರ kodemara, ಓಲೆಗರಿಮರ olegarimara, ಶ್ರೀತಾಳೆ ಮರ shritale mara • Konkani: सत्र्येचो माड satryecho-mad, ತಳತಮಾಡ್ಡೊ talatamaddo • Malayalam: കുടപ്പന kudappana, താളി tali • Marathi: ताली tali • Oriya: ତାଳୀ tali • Sanskrit: अल्पायुषी alpayushi • Tamil: தாளி tali, தாளிப்பனை tali-p-panai • Telugu: శ్రీతాళము sritalamu • Tulu: ಪನೊಲಿದ ಮರ panolida mara, ಶ್ರೀತಾಳಿ shritali

botanical namesCorypha umbraculifera L. … synonymsBessia sanguinolenta Raf. • Corypha guineensis L. … POWO

Bibliography / etymology

~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
talipot palm
~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
बजरबट्टू bajar-battu
~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
ಬೀಸಣಿಗೆ ಮರ beesanige mara
ಇಂದು indu
  • Alar – an authoritative Kannada-English dictionary corpus created by V. Krishna
ಕೊಡೆಮರ kodemara, ಓಲೆಗರಿಮರ olegarimara
  • Alar – an authoritative Kannada-English dictionary corpus created by V. Krishna
ಶ್ರೀತಾಳೆ ಮರ shritale mara
  • Five Hundred Indian Plants by Basel Mission, Mangalore
  • or ಶ್ರೀತಾಳ shritala / ಶ್ರೀತಾಳೆ shritale / ಶ್ರೀತಾಳಿ shritali … Alar – an authoritative Kannada-English dictionary corpus created by V. Krishna
  • Many thanks to Dr Mahadeswara Swamy for help with this name … efloraofindia … in northern Karnataka – it is ತಾಳಿ tali, while in southern Karnataka – it is ತಾಳೆ tale
~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
सत्र्येचो माड satryecho-mad
ತಳತಮಾಡ್ಡೊ talatamaddo
~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
കുടപ്പന kudappana
താളി tali
~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
ताली tali
~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
ତାଳୀ tali
~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
अल्पायुषी alpayushi
~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
தாளி tali, தாளிப்பனை tali-p-panai
~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
శ్రీతాళము sritalamu
~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
ಪನೊಲಿದ ಮರ panolida mara
ಶ್ರೀತಾಳಿ shritali
~~~~~ x ~~~~~
Names compiled / updated at

I am sending my article.

Superb informative article, dear …

It will be good for eFI to receive your articles as when you publish them or any time later at your discretion.

1 attachment

Thanks for your encouragement. I have written more than 100 articles. When I posted a few articles earlier, there was no response forthcoming, except … That is why I stopped posting.

Yes, wonderfully written.

it is best to keep posting what interests and enthuses us – that joy makes us not think of appreciation. Appreciation comes spontaneously – not guaranteed whether sooner or later 🙂 🙂 🙂


Ms-2016 / Dec / 1 – ID of the Palm. : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)

Please identify this palm  in full bloom.
Is this the Corypha umbraculifera, the talipot palm ? pl confirm.
Photo taken on 20,12.2016, Bangalore


Yes, it is Corypha palm. I would have loved to see

It is  very very rare sight to watch. The talipot palm is monocarpic.  It flowers only once, when it is 30 to 80 years old! 


Fwd: Article in SoM : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1)
My latest article in Star of Mysore (Sunday, 8th Jan. 2017) is forwarded herewith. This may be of interest to  mbers of  e-flora in Bangalore to witness the magnificent sight.

Corypha sp. : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)
Large numbers of Corypha sp.  found in Keelkuvalaivedu near vandavasi of Kanchipuram district, Tamil nadu on borders of a lake.

Superb display, … I think these are going to die after flowering.

I think it should be Corypha umbraculifera as per images and details herein.

Yes, seems C. umbraculifera


Updated on December 24, 2024

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