Livistona decipiens Becc., Webbia 3:301. 1910 ; As I am not a botanist and my way of identification is by observation and comparison. To me the species is Livistona decipiens. This is what K S Gopalaswamienger says about this palm, in his book COMPLETE GARDENING IN INDIA (page 551) “The leaves of Livistona decipiens are fan-shaped with long trailing ends, but are grey-green in colour and create a very soft weeping crown atop the long slender trunk. A hardy and very stately palm which requires ample moisture, good drainage and prefers part shade. Good pot plant. Native of Australia“ SYMBIOSIS : 299: Attaching an image of a Rose ring Parakeet on the fruits of Livistona decipiens. This palm is commonly known a WEEPING PALM. SYMBIOSIS :509 : Attachments (1). 1 post by 1 author. Attaching an image of a Jungle Myna on the fruits of Livistonia decipiens, commonly known as WEEPING PALM. Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight :: Arecaceae : Palm for ID :: MK05 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2). Please help me to identify this palm grown in garden in a private property. I can’t take picture of the fruits. Is this Washingtonia sp.? Place: Sivakasi town, TN Habitat: Garden (dry locale) Date: May 2010 Livistona, possibly L. decipiens Araceae, Arecaceae and Zingiberaceae Fortnight :: Arecaceae :: ID Request – Palm :: Hiranandani Powai, Heritage Gardens :: ARKAUG-57 : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1). Requesting to please provide ID of the plant captured at Hiranandani Powai, Heritage Gardens in January 2013. A Livistona, maybe L. decipiens SYMBIOSIS : 731 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching an image of a Rose-ring Parakeet on the fruits of Livistona decipiens (WEEPING PALM). SYMBIOSIS :732 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching an image of a female Koel on fruits of Livistona decipiens. SYMBIOSIS :743 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching an image of a Jungle Myna on Livistona decipiens (WEEPING PALM). SYMBIOSIS : 846 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) SYMBIOSIS : 888 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) attaching a collage of female Koel feeding on the fruits of Livistona decipiens (WEEPING CABBAGE PALM) Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 889 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) attaching a collage of Red Vented Bulbul feeding on fruits of Livistona decipiens (WEEPING CABBAGE PALM). Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 887 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) attaching a collage of male of Rose-ring Parakeet relishing fruits of Livistona decipiens (WEEPING CABBAGE PALM). Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 891 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) REGURGITATION OF FRUITS OF LIVISTONA DECIPIENS BY KOEL : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) I had an interesting observation while photographing Koel feeding on the fruits of Livistona decipiens (WEEPING CABBAGE PALM). I noticed the bird regurgitates a fruit and swallow it again. The bird repeats this process till the time the seed comes out and then the bird discards the seed which is almost white. Koel remains seated on a bunch of fruit for quite some time and during that period it does not permit any other bird to come near the tree. I have seen a bird swallowing three fruits in a period of half an hour.The same observation is valid when Koel feeds on the fruits of Polyalthia longifolia (MAST TREE/ ASOKA/ DEBDARU). Attaching a collage where male and female koel are in the process of regurgitation. Thanks, … Wonderful observations Fwd: OBSERVATION : REGURGITATION BY KOEL( MALE )/LIVISTONA DECIPIENS : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Yesterday I saw a male Koel sitting on the branch of Santalum album (CHANDAN) tree in our garden. It was taking a siesta. I observed the bird from 3.19 PM till 3.50 PM when the bird flew off. I observed the bird regurgitate the fruits of Livistona decipiens ( the tree is nearby) at certain interval. The bird swallows the regurgitated fruit again. But at one stage one of the regurgitated fruit fell down but after some time it regurgitated another fruit. In an earlier occasion I saw a Koel swallowing four fruits one after another. My inference is Koels swallow number of fruits of Livistona dicipiens at a time and then the bird regurgitates these fruits. Time wise observation was as under ( a ) 3.19 pm the bird was located ( b ) 3.28 pm first instance of regurgitation ( c ) 3.30 pm second instance of regurgitation ( d ) 3.33 pm third instance of regurgitation ( e ) 3.34 pm fourth instance of regurgitation( this fruit was dropped ) ( f ) 3.35 pm fifth instance of regurgitation ( g ) 3.41 pm sixth instance of regurgitation ( h ) 3.41 pm —— do ———- ( j ) 3.42 pm seventh instance of regurgitation ( k ) 3.46 pm eighth instance of regurgitation ( l )3.49 pm ninth instance of regurtitation A collage is attached. Interesting indeed. Thank you … Very interesting, Sir. I was able to find some material that seems to explain this phenomenon. Thank you … for the input. It explains the phenomenon. I have seen it in case of two distinct plant species. (a) LIVISTONA DECIPIENS (WEEPING CABBAGE PALM) (b) POLYALTHIA LONGIFOLIA (MAST TREE/ DEBDARU/ ASOK) But I have not seen it incase of Santalum album ( CHANDAN ). We are having a CHANDAN tree in our house. I have recorded lot of activities of birds and butterflies on this particular tree. In fact it remains a living laboratory in our house. REGURGITATION : KOEL ( MALE ) : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Hello, attaching a collage depicting the following sequences. (1) The bird is swallowing the fruit of Livistona decipiens after regurgitating the fruit (note the black colour of the fruit). (2) The bird has regurgitated the seed after digesting the edible part and ready to discard the seed (note the colour of the seed) (3) The bird has discarded the seed (open beak) (4) Discarded seeds on the ground. SYMBIOSIS :897 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) There is a Livistona decipiens (WEEPING CABBAGE PALM) next to my house. The tree is full of fruits at this time of the year. Koels started visiting the tree since December. When they are not feeding they guard the fruits. On 22-2-2017 I could record the following species of birds visiting the tree in span of half an hour in the afternoon. ( a ) BLUE THROATED BARBET ( b ) RED VENTED BULBUL ( c ) ROSE RING PARAKEET ( d ) KOEL ( M ) ( e ) COMMON MYNA ( f ) JUNGLE MYNA Attaching a collage of this event. SYMBIOSIS : 898 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attaching a collage of Blue throated Barbet feeding on the fruits of Livistona decipiens. (WEEPING CABBAGE PALM). SYMBIOSIS : 902 : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Attaching an image of a Rose ring Parakeet and a female Koel feeding on the fruits of Livistna decipiens. Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 903 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Rufous Tree pie feeding on the fruits of Livistona decipiens (WEEPING CABBAGE PALM). SYMBIOSIS : 907 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) Rufous Tree Pie is an omnivorous bird. It feeds on insects, lizards, nectar of flowers and fruits. It’s a thief and steals chicks of other birds. I have recorded this bird feeding on the fruits of different Ficus species. I have recoded it feeding on the fruits of Livistona decipiens. It always gives away its presence by its call. Attached collage is of two Rufous Tree Pie feeding on the fruits of Livistona decipiens (WEEPING CABBAGE PALM). Fwd: SYMBIOSIS : 910 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (1) Attaching a collage of Rufous Tree Pie and Rose Ring Parakeet sharing the fruits of Livistona decipiens (WEEPING CABBAGE PALM). References: |
Livistona decipiens
Updated on December 24, 2024