Aristolochia griffithii Hook.f. & Thomson ex Duch., Prodr. 15(1): 437 1864. (Syn: Aristolochia yunnanensis Franch.; Aristolochia yunnanensis var. meionantha Hand.-Mazz.; Isotrema griffithii (Hook. f. & Thomson ex Duch.) C.E.C. Fisch.; Siphisia griffithii Klotzsch ex Duch. (Unresolved)); ..
Aristolochia from Sikkim for id: 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Would be grateful for identification of this high altitude, large flowered, wild Aristolochia which looks pale to be griffithii, but does not match with pictures I could locate on the Net Location: Lachung, North Sikkim. Does not attract butterflies, did not grow in Gangtok. Aristolochia saccata ?? I feel this is very much A. griffithii. I have seen this plant at Eaglenest, Arunachal Pradesh. … of BSI has confirmed that it is indeed Aristolochia griffithii. confirmation of this Aristolochia species : 8 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1) – 2 mb. Do you have other images? All details are not available in this. Seems close to A.griffithii, just the colour of the throat is different (may be the material got withered or something else), will need some more pictures to confirm, but can be kept near A.griffithii, following its leaves, and the ridges observed in the outside surface of the limb. Already listed in Aristolochia griffithii Hook.f. & Thomson ex Duch. and ID looks correct. Nepali Name : ईश्वरी Ishwaree / शिवलिङ्गी Shivalingee / भैँसी लहरा Bhainsee Laharaa . References: |
Aristolochia griffithii
Updated on December 24, 2024