Chlorophytum malabaricum Baker, J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 15: 331 1876. (Syn: Phalangium tuberosum Dalzell & A.Gibson [Illegitimate]);


Images by Dinesh Valke – identified by Avinash Dada ,(inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)




kloh-roh-FY-tum — from the Greek chloros (green), and phyton (plant)
mal-uh-BAR-ih-kum — of or from the Malabar Coast, southern India

commonly known as: Malabar chlorophytum • Hindi: सफ़ेद मुसली safed musli • Marathi: सफेत मुसळी safet musli

Endemic to: Western Ghats (of India)


… not sure of the species of Chlorophytum … ID please.
Only two photos; the plant was inaccessible !(
Place: near Amby Valley, Lonavala

Date: 02 OCT 09

…could be right; attaching a cropped version of the original size photo … it may help.

C malabaricum

Unless identified otherwise, C. malabaricum put by … seems convincing to me.
