Chlorophytum nimmonii Dalzell, Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 2: 142 1850.;

Images by Ajay Nalawade & (Shivaprakash – identified by Ajay Nalawade), (inserted by Bhagyashri Ranade)



20110819 Chlorophyton spp from Parambikulam Tiger Reserve: Bordering Tamilnadu and Kerala near sarkarpatti tunnel downhill, Parambikulam Tiger Reserve in Kerala noticed this Chlorophyton spp on 19.08.2011. Requesting id.

I think wanted to mean Chlorophytum and not Chlorophyton.

Not familiar with species of Chlorophytum having such lax inflorescence … which itself could be a sure feature for arriving to ID.

This is a Chlorophytum, if … says he never saw such lax flowers then why not Chlorophytum laxum :)…..

According to me it is Chlorophytum nimonii

This is Chlorophytum arundinaceum Baker




I am writing few words about Genus – Chlorophytum Ker.Grawl. I hope these words and some photographs may clear the doubts about Chlorophytum nimmonii (Grah.) Dalz
The genus Chlorophytum comprises about 234 species distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, majority being in Africa. Some of the species of the genus are already under cultivation as ornamental plants. The underground parts are of prime importance in identification of the Chlorophytum species. Many times the species of the genus are misidentified by inexperienced taxonomists. Also a lot of variation is found within the species depending upon its distribution which is not studied properly. The genus is largely ignored by the cytologists because of the problem in identification of its species.

In India near about 16 species of Chlorophytum are found. Our department (Department of Botany, Shivaji University, Kolhapur) had described two new species i.e.
  1. Chlorophytum Kolhapurense sardesai, S. P. Gaikwad & S. R. Yadav
  2. Chlorophytum gothanense, Malpure & S. R. Yadav

Herewith i am sending photographs of Chlorophytum arundinaceum Baker, Chlorophytum nimmonii (Grah.) Dalz, Chlorophytum laxum R. Br. As …says lax flowers in the inflorescence this character not only found in C. laxum but also in C. nimonii, C. kolhapurense. and as Dr. Santosh ji says i am sure this not C.arundinaceum

I hope this will clear the confusion. Since from two years i am working on this genus i don’t have sufficient data about this genus so my humble request you all to help me regarding the location details and also for collection of accessions. Now the Season is coming so please give report of any species of Chlorophytum from your excursions, field visits. kindly appreciate if any mistake.

Thank you … for this write up…
For several years observed the houseplant : spiderplant ie Cholorphytum comosum …
i was very impressed with its survival strategy … it reproduces by runners, producing “Baby plants” with roots and all, flowers and seeds, and by by local multiplication of the roots, so the mother plants have to be divided ie more new plants… so three ways it reproduces right there in the houseplant pot in your balcony or even dining room table…