Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia (Blume) DC., Archives de Botanique 2: 518 1833. (Syn: Cotula chrysanthemifolia Blume; Cotula chrysanthemifolia Blume; Dichrocephala abyssinica Sch.Bip. ex A.Rich.; Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia var. abyssinica (A.Rich.) Asch.; Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia f. chrysanthemifolia ; Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia var. chrysanthemifolia ; Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia f. macrocephala Asch.; Dichrocephala grangeaefolia DC.; Dichrocephala macrocephala Sch.Bip. ex Schweinf.; Dichrocephala oblonga Hook.f.; Dichrocephala tanacetoides Sch.Bip.; Dichrocephala tibestica Quézel); . Erect herb; branchlets radiating, hispid. Leaves alternate, lyrate-pinnatifid, chartaceous, 5 x 1.5 cm, margin deeply incised, base auricled and stem-clasping. Panicles terminal, sparingly or copiously branched, lax. Capitula globose, 5 mm wide, heterogamous, disciform, cream. Involucre broadly campanulate, 1-2-seriate. Phyllaries c. 10, lanceolate. Outer florets pistillate, sub-radiate; inner florets bisexual. Pappus 0 in pistillate, and of 2 or 3 slender hairs in bisexual ones. Corolla (outer) curved, 6 mm wide, subradiate; (inner) tubular, campanulate, 1 mm wide, 4-lobed. Stamens 5, included; anther base truncate. Ovary compressed; style 1 mm, minutely 2-fid. Achenes obovoid. Pappus 0 in pistillate, of 2 weak bristles in bisexual ones. Flowering and fruiting: July-September Degraded forest areas Paleotropics (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal) . Dichrocephala benthamii C. B. Clarke ??? : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (5) Location: Shivapuri National Park, Nepal Altitude:6000 ft. Date: 22 July 2017 Small herb around 4-6 cm. I think closer to Dichrocephala integrifolia (L.f.) Kuntze as per comparative images at Dichrocephala On further review, it may be Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia (Blume) Candolle as per Location : Lava, Kalimpong, India Date : 11 May 2018 Elevation : 6800 ft. Habit : Wild Which Dichrocephala ?? Small herb on ground ! Already checked! Dichrocephala integrifolia (L. fil.) O. Kuntze ! On further review, it may be Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia (Blume) Candolle as per
Fwd: SK37JUL20-2016:ID: 7 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) Enclosing some pictures for identification. Location : Godawari Nepal Altitude: 5000 ft. Date: 13 July 2016 Attachments (1) Some Dichrocephala species. D. integrifolia ?? Thanks, …, But to me it does not match with the existing images. But I don’t know if such variation is their in this species. Appears closer to Dichrocephala integrifolia (L.f.) Kuntze as leaves seems quite variable as per FOC Col. Collett in Flora Simlensis lists D. integrifolia with stalked leaves and D. chrysanthemifolia with sessile leaves. Appears to be Dichrocephala benthamii based on leaf attachment as per FOC illustration. On further review, it may be Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia (Blume) Candolle as per Specimen 1 Specimen 2 GBIF POWO FoC illustration Useful Tropical plants Yes …, D. chrysanthemifolia without any doubt, expanded basal auricles are clearly seen in second and third image.
Location: Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur Date: 28 April 2019 Elevation: 1419 m. Habit : Wild Dichrocephala benthamii C.B.Clarke ?? Appears similar to images at Yes. Appears close to the given link. The link which I sent ? D. benthamii ?? You sent some 400 by 600 link. Which is that species? That is D. benthamii Ok Appears to be Dichrocephala benthamii based on leaf attachment as per FOC illustration. On further review, it may be Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia (Blume) Candolle as per Specimen 1 Specimen 2 GBIF POWO FoC illustration Useful Tropical plants I think D. benthamii only, the spherical head and characteristic basal auricles of D. chrysanthemoides are missing. See this cropped image Read D. chrysanthemoides as D. chrysanthemifolia I think D. benthamii only, the spherical head and characteristic basal auricles of D. chrysanthemifolia are missing. See this cropped image Thanks, … I think it is Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia (Blume) Candolle only as per GBIF specimen Basal auricles may not be that prominent in smaller plants and upper leaves. Flower heads are different from Dichrocephala benthamii . Location: Matatirtha, Kathmandu Date: 03 October 2020 Elevation: 1968 m. Habit : Wild Dichrocephala ….. ??? Yes it’s correct SK 3226 14 September 2021: 7 very high res. images. Location: Jumla, West Nepal Altitude: 2500m. Date: 25 August 2021 Habit : Wild Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia (Blume) DC.?? Yes, as per FOC illustration . SK 3925 20 January 2024 – Asteraceae: 9 very high res. images. Location: Latha Bhanjyang, Chapakhark, Lalitpur Date: 14 January 2024 Elevation: 2100 m. Habit : Wild Myriactis …?? To me appears close to images at
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Dichrocephala chrysanthemifolia
Updated on December 24, 2024