Helianthus tuberosus L., Sp. Pl. 905 1753. (Syn: Helianthus esculentus Warsz.; Helianthus serotinus Tausch; Helianthus tomentosus Michx.; Helianthus tuberosus var. subcanescens A.Gray);
Jerusalem artichoke, sunroot, sunchoke, earth apple or topinambur;
13082011-BS-011- A shrub for ID from A Nursery in Panipat Haryana: A shrub about 5-6 ft high, highly branched for id From Panipat Haryana Alt. 220 mt. Pics taken on 11-8-11 Cultivated for its tuberous roots which are used as vegetables. Propagated by tubers Simple leaves about 4-5 inches long. Flowers not there at this moment. As per nurserymen flowering will be in October November. this plant not generally found in Haryana Helianthus tuberosus. Nice pictures… Asteraceae Fortnight Part I-Radiate Heads: Ornamentals?- Helianthus ? 3 for id from Shimla- NS 30 : Attachments (8). 4 posts by 3 authors. This tall herb was shot from wild near H.P. Secretariat in Shimla… do not know this is ornamental escape or wild… I may be wrong also in considering this a Helianthus sp. please help to id… Again it may be Helianthus tuberosus References: |
Helianthus tuberosus
Updated on December 24, 2024