Kleinia walkeri (Wight ex C. B. Cl.) B. P. Uniyal (Syn: Gynura walkeri Wight; Kleinia walkeri (Wight) M. R. Almeida; Notonia walkeri (Wight) C. B. Cl.; Senecio nilagerensis Sch. Bip. ex Hook. fil.; Senecio stylosus Balakr.; Senecio walkeri Thw. (ambiguous synonym)); S-India (Tamil Nadu (Nilgiri Hills), Meghalaya), Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Laos as per Catalogue of Life; Fleshy subshrubs, to 1.5 m high; stem glabrous. Leaves to 13 x 4 cm, alternate, elliptic, acuminate at either ends, crenate-serrate, glabrous; petiole 4 cm long. Heads 14 x 8 mm in terminal corymbose panicle; bracteolate; involucral bracts 10 mm long, uniseriate, oblong, glabrous; receptacle paleate. Flowers all bisexual, tubular; corolla 8 mm long, 5-lobed, white or pale yellow; anthers entire at base. Achenes 5 mm long, oblong, 10-ribbed; hairy between ribs; pappus many, cottony, white, setaceous. Flowering and fruiting: September-April Grasslands India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia (Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal) Banglore-Ooty November 2013 :: Requesting ID of this plant :: 26112013 :: ARK-03 : Attachments (1). 11 posts by 4 authors. Requesting to please ID this plant captured at Dodabetta peak, Ooty in November 2013. please send more pictures for identification. Difficult for me to confirm. No clue. At least if one open flower is seen we can guess its identity. Thanks for your feedback … and … Unfortunately, this is the only picture I have… …, this is an Asteraceae herb, could grow up to a metre or more. I will send my clear photos later; we shall identify this. This photo was taken at doddabetta peak on 12 Dec 2013 (Alt.: 2600 m asl) I am sorry I am not able to identify this plant. It does not click on any possible genus of Asteraceae in my mind. I don’t remember to have any such plant at that altitude. If you can collect fresh plants dissect out and use the keys given by Gamble in Flora of Presidency of Madras to identify it. My guessing is: Ageratina species (a segregate from the genus Eupatorium). However, in the last 25 years, I have not focused on plant ID or plant collection. Therefore, what I mentioned is just a guess. Looks like from Polygonaceae Can it be from Polygonaceae as suggested by …? To me it looks from Asteraceae, more views required…!! References: Catalogue of Life The Plant List Ver.1.1 GCC GBIF (High resolution specimens) |
Kleinia walkeri
Updated on December 24, 2024