Goniocaulon indicum

Goniocaulon indicum (Klein ex Willd.) Benth ex C.B.Clarke, 236 1876. (syn: Amberboa goniocaulon DC.; Amberboa indica (Klein ex Willd.) DC.; Athanasia indica (Klein ex Willd.) Roxb.; Centaurea indica (Klein ex Willd.) Less.; Goniocaulon glabrum Cass.; Serratula indica Klein ex Willd.; Tricholepis indica (Willd.) S.M. Almeida);
India (Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra), Burma (Magway), Sudan, Ethiopia as per Catalogue of Life;


Asteraceae herb for Identification : AVD10122017:01 : 13 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)
I need help in identifying the Asteraceae herb in images attached herewith. The detailed description is as follows:
A stout herb 1 to 2 meter high, stem 5 angled, deeply grooved, star shaped in cross-section, leaves alternate, sessile, linear ob-lanceolate, cuneate, sharply dentate, flower heads in corymbs, peduncles bracteolate, florets lavender in colour. Involucral bracts striated with green and white lines.
Am unable to place it in appropriate genus. Would kindly request for help.

Closure to Emilia sps.

Thank you for suggesting possible id. But the involucral bracts are completely different from Emilia.
The possible id is Goniocaulon glabrum.

i have also come across same plant and i am of the opinion that it is Vernonia spp but not sure about spp
i will post my images soon 

Pl. check with
It is a highly variable species. 

The species is quite different from the link sent by you. The distinctly grooved angular stem, shorter peduncle, and most importantly paleaceous pappus are not seen in the linked images.
Please check the following link. The herbarium specimen shows all features similar to my plant specimen.


Adding few more images of flower head, floret and achene.
This is to aid id confirmation.
Attachments (3)

… as … pointed out this spp is highly variable, flower shape of plants growing in crowded area have different shape and other have different, unfortunately my computer is having some problems so i will post my images afterwards

Thanks, …, for the new addition.
I also agree with your id of Goniocaulon indicum (Klein ex Willd.) Benth ex C.B.Clarke (syn: Goniocaulon glabrum Cass.) as per high resolution specimen & details as below:


Need ID: Purplish aster: 4 images.
Bhopal; black soil; 22/2/2023

To me it looks more like a thistle than an aster.

I do not think so.

By aster I meant the well known flower Aster and not a member of the asteraceae family.
Calling a member of cruciferaceae a crucifer is not confusing as there is no flower  called crucifer but calling a member of asteraceae an Aster is perhaps confusing. At least I was confused when I wrote the comment.
Thanks for drawing my attention to the same. More likely a Vernonia sp.

It is


Asteraceae: Goniocaulon indicum (J.G.Klein ex Willd.) C.B.Clarke: 2 high res. images.

synonyms: Goniocaulon glabrum Cass., Amberboa indica (J.G.Klein ex Willd.) DC., Centaurea indica (J.G.Klein ex Willd.) Less.
location/date (both): Tarubanda village, Melghat Wildlife Sanctuary, Amravati Distr., Maharashtra, November 1994


Updated on December 24, 2024