Lactuca lessertiana

Images by Prashant Awale (ID D S Rawat), Inserted by Gurcharan Singh (Please click on link to see details)



Clarke Comp. Ind. 270 ; perennial, glabrous or laxly villous, stem short stout (or 0) leafy simple or branched from the base, leaves very variable elongate oblanceolate and entire or shorter sinuate-toothed or pinnatifid acute, margins and lobes subentire, petiole 0 or simple at the base, heads 3/4 in. long subcylindric or campanulate 12-24-fld. terminating the branches or subpaniculate erect or drooping black glabrous or villous, outer invol. bracts few linear or 0, inner linear-oblong obtuse, achenes flattened elliptic or oblanceolate suddenly narrowed into a stout pale beak, pappus shorter than the achene.  

Mulgedium ? lessertianum, DC. Prodr. vii. 251. Hieracium lessertianum, Wall. Cat. 3254. Melanoseris lyrata, Dcne, in Bot. Jacq. Voy. 101, t. 109.  
TEMPERATE and ALPINE HIMALAYA ; from Kashmir, alt. 8-13,000 ft., to Sikkim, alt. 0-16,000 ft.  
Stem 0-12 in., sometimes stout with many erect lateral flowering branches, at others slender and nearly simple. Leaves always membranous, with nearly entire margins, in one extreme form 6-8 by 1 in , very narrowly oblanceolate, quite entire, obtuse, nar¬rowed into a long petiole ; in another as long but broader, pinnatifidly lobed ; in others 1-2 in., entire or runcinate. Heads on long or short flaccid peduncles ; blackish, sometimes densely villous with long hairs ; ligules blue. Achenes 1/4 in. including the stout beak, black, strongly ribbed ; pappus white or yellowish, very deciduous.—This is nearly related to L. macrorhiza, though differing a good deal in habit and in the achene.  
(The Flora of British India- 1881) from IBIS Flora

Cicerbita sp. for ID?? en-route Dhel – GHNP – PKA91 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3).
Seen this herb en-route Dhel at GHNP at an altitude of approx. 3700m.
Looks like some Cicerbita sp.
Family: Asteraceae
Date/Time: 28-09-2014 / 11:30AM

Beautidul pictures.

It is Lactuca lessertiana.
New for eFI

Updated on December 24, 2024

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