Launaea intybacea ?

Launaea intybacea (Jacq.) Beauverd, “Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève, ser. 2, 2: 114. 1910.” 114 1910. (syn: Brachyramphus caribaeus DC.; Brachyramphus goraeensis (Lam.) DC.; Brachyramphus heyneanus Wight; Brachyramphus intybaceus (Jacq.) DC.; Brachyramphus remotiflorus (DC.) Kamelin; Brachyramphus sonchifolius Thwaites; Brachyramphus sonchifolius DC.; Brachyramphus taraxacoides DC.; Chondrilla indica Steud.; Chondrilla racemosa (Michx.) Poir.; Chondrilla sonchifolia Poir.; Cicerbita intybacea Wallr.; Lactuca goraeensis (Lam.) Sch.Bip. ..; Lactuca heyneana DC. [Illegitimate]; Lactuca intybacea Jacq. ex Murray; Lactuca intybacea Jacq.; Lactuca pinnatifida (Lour.) Merr.; Lactuca remotiflora DC.; Lactuca remotiflora DC. ex Wight; Lactuca runcinata DC.; Lactuca schimperi Jaub. & Spach; Launaea goraeensis (Lam.) O.Hoffm.; Launaea kuriensis Vierh.; Launaea remotiflora (DC. ex Wight) Amin ex Rech.f.; Phoenixopus intybaceus (Jacq.) Less.; Prenanthes sonchifolia Willd.; Scorzonera pinnatifida Lour.; Sonchus goraeensis Lam.) ?


This one is a long pending id.. was shot from Tikkar taal area of Morni Hills..
wanted to know the exact id..
seems to be a Launaea..

Launaea species in efi.

Any chance of Lactuca heyneana DC. = Launaea intybacea (Jacq.) Beauverd = plantillustrations?

It may be Launaea procumbens (Roxb.) Ramayya & Rajagopal as per images and details herein.

Looks different from images of Launaea intybacea (Jacq.) Beauv. at POWO.
I tried but failed to find the difference between the two on the net. 

and descriptions in FBI. FI, FoC etc.
The leaves of L. procumbens will have dense white cartilaginous margins.
The leaves of L. intybacea also feature cartilaginous teeth, but with fewer white cartilage , I think. (refer KEW)
Leaves are membranous, cauline leaves 1/2 amplexicaul auricled in L. intybacea, though not seen here. Heads 1/2 inch long.
It might be some other as well.

Launaea intybacea (Jacq.) Beauverd features pale yellow flower, and to my understanding, phyllaries are exactly like efi thread.

I think it might be same sp., though good phyllary pictures are NA.

Forgot to tell that first distribution has to be checked.

As per FBI, Lactuca heyneana DC. is distributed in NW India, Western peninsula etc.
As per another source it is in UP, Bangalore etc.
Capitulum in L intybacea features 12-35 florets, L. procumbens 15-20(30) florets (FoC).

Updated on December 24, 2024

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