Cosmos caudatus Kunth, 188 1820. (Syn: Bidens artemisiifolia subsp. caudata (Kunth) Kuntze; Bidens berteriana Spreng.; Bidens carnea Heer; Bidens caudata (Kunth) Sch.Bip.; Cosmea caudata (Kunth) Spreng.); .
KOS-mus — Greek: kosmikos, meaning universe … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: wild cosmos Native to: tropical Americas Flowers yellow/orange…………sulphureus Not as above Ultimate lobes leaves 0-1.5 mm wide……..bipinnatus 2-10 mm wide………caudatus . EfloraIndia_201211PD04_cosmos caudatus_Flora of Odisha: please find the images of Cosmos caudatus taken from Ranpur Name of the species: Cosmos caudatus Family: Asteraceae Place of collection: Ranpur, Nayagarh, Odisha habit: Herb Habitat: Wild, Near agricultural land, perennial streams It is Cosmos diversifolius Otto ex Otto unless I am making a mistake. Taking it as Cosmos caudatus only as per discussions in other threads. Asteraceae Week (Part I – Radiate heads) :: Cosmos caudatus at Tungareshwar WLS :: 08 NOV 08 02:00 :: DV11 : 4 images. 2 posts by 2 authors. Cosmos caudatus Kunth KOS-mus — Greek: kosmikos, meaning universe … Dave’s Botanary kaw-DAH-tus — with a tail … Dave’s Botanary commonly known as: wild cosmos Native to: tropical Americas References: Flowers of India • NPGS / GRIN • PIER at Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary on 08 NOV 08 Wild flower @ S Gujarat, October. New addition to group data base. Thanks … for sharing this plant; I have similar (seen planted at Tungareshwar WLS) and was under the impression that it is Cosmos caudatus Kunth. Wonderful images …! Yes …, I have also photographed this plant from Tungreshwar WLS & got identified from … It can be viewed here- Yes …, plant has been incorrectly identified on the group. No wonder I did not find it when I searched for it. Thanks all for having consensus on Cosmos diversifolius. I had posted my plant to the group with the ID of C. caudatus. It was not validated positively (nor in negative until today). This ID of Cosmos diversifolius is not convincing me. Both C. diversifolius and C. caudatus are native of Latin America, Not sure if C. diversifolius has naturalized in our country – not mentioned in NPGS pages, rather C. caudatus seems to have naturalized in larger part of eastern hemisphere including India. Results in image search on Google for these two species diversifolius & caudatus match more to C. caudatus. Dear friends, I have put my thoughts, please validate. …, also check Flowers of Sahyadri vol 3, pg 138. Also view webpage For the more technical, visit: Thanks … for working out to get the references used for arriving to C. diversifolius. Yes, … 3rd book does show a picture of C. diversifolius matching posted plant’s flower. Let us view a link related to C. caudatus in Wikimedia … and the herbarium link … Somehow the content at both the links provided by you / me match the posted plant. We thus need someone to help us understand which of the two species was introduced in India. At the University of Michigan pages, the Notes are as follows … C. diversifolius Notes Pine-oak forests west of summits Occasional, mostly past flower. Rays white, disk yellow. C. caudatus Notes Ungrazed hillsides in Bouteloua grassland Abundant on banks and disturbed ground. Annual to 2 m. high; selected small specimens; rays deep pink, paler after opening, and often white toward base; disk yellow I had relied on FoS for the id. Now that stands challenged – and for good reason. Point well taken; Agree with your concerns … The two species seem to be very closely related. [I will post one Alisycarpus where I am having similar difficulty] Objective: is to take a bipartisan approach to resolving the id (not only two of us but the entire group – that’s what a group is for in the first place). I suggest: 1. We try and get relevant keys of genus Cosmos. 2. Some scientific paper on the genus or something even more specific. 3. In Asteraceae the bracts are important, so the reverse of the flower face is important to demonstrate. . I am marking this mail to … also (you have already marked mail to Tabish). It will be helpful if the two gentlemen share there views also as we have relied on their respective works. I am also adding one more image to add more data on the species photographed by me. If you have more revealing images of your specimen please share them (or link) with this thread. Attachments (1) …, I marked a copy to … because my plant features in Flowers of India 🙂 He should be aware of the outcome of this discussion; he may even share his thoughts. Hopefully … also gives his thoughts. Rather than digging into keys of exotic flora, if we get to know the facts / history of their introduction, that may serve our purpose. I strongly believe only one of these was introduced in India. ‘Rather than digging into keys of exotic flora, if we get to know the facts / history of their introduction, that may serve our purpose. I strongly believe only one of these was introduced in India.’ I did read that in your initial mail but told myself – How does it matter? C. caudatus may have been introduced on a larger scale but there may have been introduction of C. diversifolius also (and not so well documented or by accident). It’s also true that if you do not have a complete set of images / data you have limited choice. OK….Let’s split the labour…. I try to dig out the keys / papers and you try dig out the historical facts! (above page most specific for C. diversifolius) (above page most specific for C. caudatus) I have found a publication called ‘Revsion of genus Cosmos’ and given links to 2 of the most specific pages wrt C. caudaus and C. diversifolius; However most of the stuff is in Latin (I do not know Latin), some in English. As I cannot read all of it – even parts specific to C. cudatus and diversifolius – I do not want to hazard a guess. [All I can say is that achene of my plant is 2-aristate.]. Kindly go through the same and give your views. You will find the keys to the genus on above weblink. I am not capable of studying the links you have provided. It is beyond my limits of understanding 🙂 Moreover, it is not good for just two of us to aggressively discuss over these two species. We must and will take a pause here and let others voice their opinions and views. Sorry to have come in late. My labelling in FOS is based on BSI. I was moved by the discussion and feel on study of some floras that Further assuming that 3 sp have escaped in India, following key can be generated. Flowers yellow/orange…………sulphureus I am adding 2 illustrations that clearly show the key feature viz width of ultimate lobes of leaves. It may be possible that both sp have escaped in India. Inputs from more members will surely resolve this issue. Asteraceae Week (Part I – Radiate heads) :: Cosmos caudatus? at Karnataka :: PKA34:: : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4). Seen this herb at Karnataka. efi page: Cosmos caudatus Cosmos diversifolius Otto ex Otto. Taking it as Cosmos caudatus only as per discussions in other threads.
Bidens ferulifolia (Jacq.) Sweet SN Nov 28 : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (3) Bidens ferulifolia (Jacq.) Sweet, from Virajpet area of Coorg, Karnataka, it seems a garden escape. Please conform species name; bidens ferulifolia is yellow flower, you attachments is pinkish-white flower To me appears close to images at Cosmos caudatus Kunth Thank you very much sir. 3 images. Seen on a mountain slope. Could be Cosmos caudatus? I guess ID is correct ! . References: |
Cosmos caudatus
Updated on December 24, 2024