Gerbera maxima (D.Don) Beauverd, 44 1910. (syn: Berniera nepalensis DC.; Chaptalia maxima D.Don; Gerbera macrophylla (DC.) Benth. ex Hook.f. (ambiguous synonym); Gerbera macrophylla Wall. ex C.B.Clarke (ambiguous synonym); Gerbera macrophylla var. glabrata Hook.f. ; Gerbera maxima var. glabrata (Hook.f.) Kitam.; Gerbera maxima var. maxima ; Gerbera nepalensis (DC.) Sch.Bip.); . India: Himalayas, in open forests, hill slopes, grassy areas and dry rocky situations, 1200-2800 m. Uttar Pradesh (Kumaon Himalaya), Sikkim, Meghalaya and Nagaland; Nepal, Bhutan and S.E. Tibet as per BSI Flora of India; . Leaf blades ovate to oblong, 8-25(-50) x 6-15(-18)cm, acuminate,sagittate,denticulate, glabrous above, appressed whitish tomentose beneath with prominent veins; petioles 15-40cm, tomentose, rarely with few foliose lobules. Scapes 18-70cm, ebracteate,slightly inflated below capitula,loosely brownish tomentose. Capitula discoid. Involucre broadly campanulate,c 15mm diameter; phyllaries lanceolate, mostly glabrous, innermost 20-24mm. Corollas creamy white; basal tube 4.5-6.5mm; limb 9-11mm, divided for 4-6mm. Achenes narrowly elliptic, c 10-ribbed, ± compressed, gradually attenuate into a stout beak, 11-13mm, finely hispid; papus 14-17mm, stramineous. Fl. October Forests and in the shade of rocks (Attributions- A.J.C Grierson & D.G.Long. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RGoB and RBGE. 2001 from Bhutan Biodiversity Portal) . Gerbera maxima (D.Don) Beauverd (provisionally accepted name) : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (9) Location: Champadevi , Nepal Altitude: 6600 ft. Date: 12 November 2016 Could not find any image in the net! I guess ID is correct ! Now Oreoseris maxima (D.Don) X.D.Xu & W.Zheng ?? Location: Shivapuri National Park,Nepal Date: 24 August 2018 Elevation:6800 ft. Habit : Wild never l new it to exist in wild anymore. nice to know (i thought it had gone the way of tulips, nothing in the wild or almost nothing) Thank you …! efi thread Gerbera maxima (D.Don) Beauverd : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)- around 950 kb each + Attachments (2)- 3 mb each + Attachments (1) – 6 mb. Location: Lankuri Bahnjyang, Kathmandu Date: 15 September 2019 Elevation: 2116 m. Habit : Wild Attachments (2)- 3 mb each. Attachments (1) – 6 mb. I guess name changed to Oreoseris maxima (D.Don) X.D.Xu & W.Zheng ! yes. the name change is recent. don’t know the full history of the thinking, but it seems lots of work went in to recognize that Indian and asian gerberas were not closely related to the African Gerberas.\ Gerbera maxima (D.Don) Beauverd seed : 3 posts by 1 author. 3 images- 6 to 7 mb each. Location: Latha Bhanjyang Date: 8 January 2020 Elevation: 2134m. Habitat: Wild unkonwn Asteraceae : 11 posts by 4 authors. Gerbera maxima (D. Don) Beauverd I don’t think it’s Gebera maxima If you google at the name you see quite different plants Thanks a lot; image is convincing It is it. Wild Asteraceae herb with large leaf and solitary head in the open Hill slope Pindari way (Kathi) To me the flower appears to be different from the leaf. . Gerbera maxima (D.Don) Beauverd : 3 very high resolution images. Location: Kathmandu Valley Date: October 2020 Elevation: 2400m. Habitat : Wild |
Gerbera maxima
Updated on December 24, 2024