Begonia concanensis A.DC., Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. IV, 11: 126 1859.; . be-GON-yuh — named for Michel Begon, 18th c. Governor of St Domingue, French Canada ¿ kohn-CAN-en-sis ? — of or from Konkan (coast of Maharashtra, India) . The identification key is as follows (reference : Flora of Maharashtra : BSI) Male sepals elliptic 1.2 cm across………… B.concanensis Male sepals almost orbicular 2.7 cm across…….B.prixophylla . According to Dr Almeida the most obvious difference is in the size and shape of leaves with Begonia concanensis having smaller, ovate leaves and B. prixophylla having larger, broad leaves which are almost round. .
.. 56-TSP-ID-05MAY2016-2: Begonia sp (Begoniaceae) for ID : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (4) Pl. check Begonia concanensis A.DC. as per comparative images at Begonia . References: |
Begonia concanensis ?
Updated on December 24, 2024