Bignonia magnifica W.Bull, Gard. Chron. 2: 73 1879. (Syn. Arrabidaea magnifica (W.Bull) Sprague ex Steenis; Saritaea magnifica (W.Bull) Dugand); . Colombia (Atlntico, Cesar, Magdalena, Norte de Santander, Risaralda, Santander, Valle), Ecuador, Panama, Java (I), Taiwan (I), Jamaica (I), Puerto Rico (I), Dominican Republic (I), Mexico (I), Fiji (I), New Caledonia (I), Malesia (I), Thailand (I), trop. Africa (I), Society Isl. (I)(Tahiti (I), Tetiaroa Atoll (I)), Myanmar [Burma] (I), India (I), Bangladesh (I), Trinidad & Tobago (I) as per Catalogue of life; . Glow Vine, Purple funnel vine, Purple bignonia; . Bignoniaceae Week :: Saritaea magnifica at Nagpur:: PKA10:: Came across this Climber at Nagpur. (Cultivated variety) Now Bignonia magnifica Bignoniaceae week :: Non natives : SMP : Bignonia magnifica Pune.: Bignonia magnifica Syn. Saritaea magnifica
Bignoniaceae week:: Bignonia magnifica from CCS HAU Botanical Garden Hisar Haryana: Bignonia magnifica from CCS HAU Botanical Garden Hisar Haryana Flora of Haryana: 26122011BS1-Apocynaceae shrub for id from Botanical garden CCSHAU Hisar: (16 images) Apocynaceae shrub for id from Botanical garden CCSHAU Hisar shot on 16-12-2011 large shrub about 5-6 feet. Flowers violet colored and zygomorphic Named as Allamanda violacea on name plate their. As it is in synonym with A blenchetii but i dont agree with name plate, nothing concrete could be found on googling I can see the leaves as 2 foliolate. Flower appears Bignoniaceae and not Apocyanaceae. I Think you r right … Thanks for the id 148-TSP-ID-30JAN2018-3:An ornamental shrub near Chikmagalur for ID assistance : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3) Kindly examine and identify this plant Habit: Shrub Habitat: Cultivated along the hedges Sighting: Near Chikmagalur,Karnataka,about 1200 msl Date: 12-09-2015 Looks like some ornamental Thunbergia. I think Saritaea magnifica– Glow Vine Matches with Bignonia magnifica Syn:Saritaea magnifica.Thanks again … Flower for id pl. Location – Dattaji Salvi Garden, Thane ( Maharashtra) Date – March. 2018 Front view? couldn’t get another view because of it’s height. Bignonia magnifica ID confirmation MS020211 – 13- Bignonia sps.: One of the Cultivated Bignonia species. Straggling shrub I think this is Clytostoma callistegioides (Cham.) Bureau ex Griseb. (Syn: Bignonia violacea, Bignonia speciosa, Bignonia callistegioides). This looks like Bignonia magnifica to me.
Sharing pictures of Purple Bignonia from Kandy, Sri Lanka seen during a visit in November, 2010. Purple Bignonia for ID : 090111 : AK-2: Is it Purple Bignonia as in Flowers of India? Pictures taken at Kandy, Sri Lanka on the 17th of November,2010. The vine was found growing wild against a stone wall. To me it looks more as Adenocalymma alliaceum– the Lahsun Bel of Bignoniaceae. I have sent the photographs of Adenocalymma alliaceum in a separate mail. You may compare. The most important feature of the A.alliaceum is: when you crush the leaves and smell they smell like garlic. This is the confirmation for A.a. Nevertheless, the pictures sent by .. looks like Bignonia species for me. The Lahsun bel that you have mentioned…I am familiar with those flowers. They come in bunches & are smaller in size. Will post them in a seperate thread. Pseudocalymma alliaceum This is Arrabidaea magnifica Also, thanks to all others who were trying to identify it for me. efloraofindia. ID 290811 BRS 10: Pl. confirm the id. of the attached photo. Yes I agree with .. it is Arrabidaea magnifica. The new name of this plant is Bignonia magnifica W.Bull of Bignoniaceae family. A mid sized climber planted in a private bungalow. Growing to almost 8-10 meters. Flowers purple violet.8-10 cm. Leaves 2-foliolate. Leaflets obovate. 5-6 cm I think this is some species of Distictella. Yes Bignonia magnifica W.Bull (syn: Saritaea magnifica (W.Bull) Dugand) It is Bignonia magnifica Syn. Saritaea magnifica as per The plant List. Mansoa alliacea :: Puducherry :: 16 OCT 19 : 33 posts by 6 authors. 2 images. Puducherry near sea coast Date: October 16, 2019 … Altitude range: about 0 – 3 m (0 – 10 feet) asl Mansoa alliacea (Lam.) A.H.Gentry garlic vine. i love this color. looks spectacular in the morning sun ID is correct. It is very common in Mysore city. Please check my article on this plant in Star of Mysore at: Thanks very much … for link to your article. Quite informational. About name in Kannada or any language in India where it is planted as an ornamental, it can be christened as literal translation of “garlic vine”. In Marathi, the name is लसूण वेल lasun vel !! Many names in other parts of world too, are so ! It is not Lahsun bel. Of course there is a look alike plant with few minor differences. But I am not able to provide the details right now. Nevertheless, the simple test for ID is the leaves when crushed (by hands) smell like garlic. This seems to be Saritaea magnifica. The Glow Vine. what featrues differentiate Saritaa magnifica from the garlic vine in these two photographs? Thanks very very much … for pointing to correct ID. Will correct my notes as soon as possible, tomorrow. … The stems (of Saritaea magnifica) are almost round in cross-section, and are marked with longitudinal stripes. Wikipedia. I can see that in the second posted pic. Here is a cropped version of where it can be seen as described. Photo quality not good. Attachments (1) Thank you, … I do see it now. thats scientific. but I wanted to know from … they are gardeners i would like to know what does a gardener see in these two pictures that gave them the differences. it would help all non-botanists… like me One need to check all the characters (vegetative & reproductive) before arriving at the final ID on the posting …. Let us wait for the comments from other learned members of the group, as well. Nevertheless, the article on which I have written is Garlic vine only. Meanwhile, I request … to post few more photos, if available. I am surprised to note that you are a non-botanist with a sound knowledge of botany, especially Taxonomy ! I’m not good at describing the minute differences, nor am I a gardener. I just relate to plants. The flowers and leaves here are much larger, and flowers are few, unlike a cluster of flowers in Garlic Vine. Thanks a lot. … but that is a recipe for making mistakes. in this case you were correct, Though but i have seen large clusters of flowers in a garlic vine in a botanical garden of repute. it was labelled Those are the only two photos I have … Personally, I now believe that the plant must be Saritaea magnifica … synonym of Bignonia magnifica. you will be correct in your inference. I am NOT a botanist. I believe in being scientific, that’s all but also humanistic and believe in ANEKANTAVAAD , which says many opinions may be// are going to be…. correct, so respect all opinions. so I keep an open mind. but my students will tell you i am a task master and say that they love me !!! go figure.:) 🙂 A task master who is loved???? I am also a Physician and good at differential diagnosis. insist on it otherwise the patients will suffer. And that’s also me. And as far as botany is concerned, I also believe that the Earth is evolving continuously. hence what was described a hundred or two hundred years ago may not hold true now !!! like the tree line moving up the mountains and glaciers disappearing, so nothing is written in stone. That’s exactly what I meant. Garlic Vine has flowers in clusters, unlike the one posted above. Probably you did not read my mail. i read everything carefully and i also responded that : but i have seen large clusters of flowers in a garlic vine in a botanical garden of repute. it was labelled … your article shows garlic vine, there is no doubts about that good description
I am posting pictures of Garlic vine and Glow vine from my place. Photos taken by me. Glow vine is a compact vine that may be shaped into a large shrub, while Garlic vine is a hardy climber. Pl check this link for Glow vine: toptropicals Further, my article sent earlier is correct. It is related to Garlic vine only. The photographs posted by … also look like Garlic vine, perhaps clicked during the lean season or at the end of the season. That is why we see few flowers. I re-iterate that your article and pictures that it has, are indeed of garlic vine. Aspects of my posted plant do not match those of garlic vine in three respects at the least: 1) leaves and branches of posted plant are not pendulous as seen in garlic vine, 2) the leaf venation of posted plant matches to that of glow vine, and clearly different from that of garlic vine. 3) stem of posted plant is not lenticellate. Stems of garlic vine are clearly with lenticels. Thanks … You have verified all the characters unlike me, really a well researched info. your pictures of the glow vine show the leaves and the requisite diagnostic features of Saritaea magnifica. toptropicals pictures are of nice flowers but except for one of his pictures where i see a faint diagnostic criteria. i dont see anything that’s conclusive but he and his wife are ardent plant lovers so he must be doing good survey though his pictures dont show it in this case. There is no doubt your garlic vine is it, though i would have loved to have seen the venation in its leaves and the tendrils. final say would be for future. if anyone is photographing these vines/shrubs. that may be the garlic vine or not… just smell the flower or crush one leaf and small when i do something like that, i ask the owner/ guard etc. and if they are unwilling, i just rub the leaf and small. end of story if you had garlic smell when you photographed the specimen. its garlic vine and its relatives in the Mansoa group. next pay attention to the leaves, venation, both sides, climbing: tendrils. non climbing: if mature plant …will definitely: no tendrils Say it with Flowers : 9 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (4) This particular Independence day brought happiness to me in real sense. Yesterday , on Independence Day first bunch of Wisteria chinensis bloom in my house and Passiflora which gives first flower on Diwali also started blooming yesterday onwards. I have taken he photo and post it soon. Here are the shots of Whisteria chinensis. I think the flowers in the posted pictures belong to Bignoniaceae (resembling Adenocalymma). Wisteria sinensis is a Fabaceae member. yes sir…..I feel it as adenocalyma I have Adenocalyma plant also in my house, which used to bloom from October to Jan, Now for some reasons it is not doing well. The difference in between these two plants character-the leaf structure, the colour and the smell. Only flower-shape and colours are the similar, but not the size and flowering season. Besides that I have seen the flower in temperate region and grown it here in India International Centre, Delhi. I find pictures of Wisteria chinensis on net totally different from your posted ones Wait for next season. Hopefully more flowers will appear. Then it will be easier to identify. Above plant should be Mansoa alliacea (Lam.) A.H. Gentry (syn: Adenocalymma alliacea (Lam.) Meirs; Pseudocalymma alliaceum (Lam.) Sandwith) if it has garlic smell when leaves are crushed or else Bignonia aequinoctialis L. (Cydista aequinoctialis (L.) Miers) if it lacks garlic smell Appears close to images at Bignonia magnifica (Cultivated) . Bignonia magnifica from Lal Bagh Bangalore-02022022-1: 6 high res. images. The ID is correct.
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Bignonia magnifica (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024