Mahonia japonica (Cultivated- USA)

Mahonia japonica (Thunb.) DC., Syst. Nat. 2: 22 1821. (Syn: Ilex japonica Thunb.; Mahonia japonica var. gracillima Fedde; Mahonia tikushiensis Hayata);

Taiwan, Japan (I), Korea (I), Ryukyu Isl. (I), Europe (I), Uzbekistan (I) as per Catalogue of Life

Seen at the garden.

Hope id is correct.

Was there a name plate? 

It appears to be correct. This plant grows in my garden.

Thanks a lot …  …, I don’t recollect seeing a name plate.

Had found the id while searching and it matched with my images.


The Plant List Ver.1.1  Tropicos  IPNI
 Catalogue of Life  (Berberis japonica (Thunb.) Spreng.) Wikipedia  RHS  BBC  Wyevale Garden Centres

Updated on December 24, 2024

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