Sinopodophyllum (Berberidaceae) page with images of species in efloraofindia : 1 post by 1 author. Pl. go through Sinopodophyllum (Berberidaceae) page with images of species (done by …) in efloraofindia. If you find any mis-identification, pl. let us know. If anybody can send images of other species of this genera (for incorporation in the website), if any, it will be really nice. Also, if anybody is interested to take up the activity of inserting images on efloraofindia pages from efloraofindia posts, pl. let us know. Sinopodophyllum (Berberidaceae) is a synonym of Podophyllum : 5 posts by 3 authors. The present enquiry relates to the following website: According to Mabberley, D. J. (2017), Mabberley’s Plant Book, Fourth Edition, Sinopodophyllum T. S. Ying is a synonym of Podophyllum L. Please see also: Recently a new subspecies of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum has been described from Sikkim: My question to the experts of the group is that: first, whether a subspecies can be described without phytogeographic isolation? Secondly, whether this new subspecies, if sufficiently distinct, should not be transferred to Podophyllum? Kindly enlighten me. Interesting questions posed by … Experts may have answers to these. If two subspecies exist together these will hybridize (being same species!) and there will be mixing of their distinct characters. Whether these two subspecies exist in Gurudongmar area or not is not clear from the text of this document. Two leaf, three leaf forms of Podophyllum exist also in Western Himalaya so this character is variable. Flora of India volume 1 (page 415, 1993) lists two species P. hexandrum Royle & P. sikkimensis Chatterjee & Mukerjee in Indian Himalaya. P. sikkimensis is included in Dysosma Woodson as D. aurantiocaulis (Hand.-Mazz.) Hu. Considering similarities of Dysosma, Podophyllum a key to separate these and two subspecies of Podophyllum (given as Sinopodophyllum) would had been quite useful. Transfer to Podophyllum….. opportunity suggested here. Rest will be done by ‘New Combination Hunters’. Thank you … for your opinion. I also felt that transfers are required. |
Updated on December 24, 2024