Decalepidanthus parviflorus

Decalepidanthus parviflorus (Decne.) Dickoré & Hilger, (syn: Craniospermum parviflorum Decne.; Mertensia exserta I. M. Johnst.; Moltkia parviflora (Decne.) C. B. Cl.; Pseudomertensia parviflora (Decne.) Riedl);
Pakistan (Kurram, Chitral, Hazara), Jammu & Kashmir (Kashmir) as per Catalogue of Life;


ID Kashmir : 8 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2)- 2 mb or more.

Please help in ID…
Gulmarg Kashmir 
2500 m
Forest floor
Boraginaceae family
Seems Pseudomertensia

Could not find a match as per comparative images at Boraginaceae

With help from …, it seems Pseudomertensia parviflora..

Pseudomertensia parviflora (syn: Moltkia parviflora)


443 ID wild plant:
Please ID wild plant,
Location: bloomed in The HIMALAYAS at Gulmarg Jammu & Kashmir INDIA
Altitude: 8620fsl
Flower date: 12APR2023, 06.40pm
Habitat: wild misty shady windy alpine
Plant habit: erect obliquely, branches, weak cylindrical stem 04mm diameter, velvety, perennial
Height: 10cm
Leaves: alternate, elliptic petiole less, obtuse acute, soft fleshy, velvety, size upto:04×1cm
Flower: terminal panicle inflorescence,  diameter:03mm, white, non fragrant

Camera: CANON EOS1500D +FL10x

Solenanthus circinatus, very common in Pine Forests in April. My photographs on Flowers of India were in middle May, so I could not capture beautiful young flowers which you have been able to capture.

I feel it should be Solenanthus stamineus as per keys in Flora of Pakistan and as per images/ specimens at

Pl. confirm or otherwise.

Yes, it seems very close to Solenanthus stamineus dear …, thank you very much for ID my plant

According to Kazmi corolla of S.circinatus is blue and the corolla of S.stamineus is dark red and very rarely yellowish. Here the corolla seems to be white from the photo. Requires more clarification by experts if corolla is really white and not yellowish..

I guess it is closer to Solenanthus circinnatus Ledeb.
Image from POWO

Pl. check the keys at Flora of Pakistan

On second thought I think it is not Solenanthus, which is a very tall plant. The plant shared by … is plant which was earlier known as Moltkia parviflora, Mertensia exserta, now known as Pseodomertensis parviflora, the plant does not grow taller than 20 cm, it is common in forest shade.

Strange but true, same plant was uploaded by … on May 7, 2019 and I identified it as Pseudomertensive parviflora on May 19

That is why they say you lose your memory with age.
By the way this genus is not yet updated on our website, now no need to upload my herbarium specimen.

Decalepidanthus parviflorus (Decne.) Dickoré & Hilger

Yes, it is Decalepidanthus parviflorus, dear … thank you very much for ID my plant

Updated on December 24, 2024

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