Hydrolea zeylanica

Images by Anurag N Sharma (Validation by KM Prabhu Kumar), Surajit Koley, P. Santhan, Prashant Awale, Chitra Shankar, Karuna Kanta Das, Pravin Kawale (Id by Rajdeo Singh), Balkar Singh (Id by Prashant Awale), Prasad Dash & Smita Raskar (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)

Ceylon Hydrolea • Hindi: Koliary • Manipuri: চৰাং Charang • Marathi: पोपटी Popti, केरिती Keriti • Tamil: Vellel • Malayalam: ചെരുവല്ലെല Cheruvallel • Bengali: Isa-langulia, Kasschra • Konkani: केरित Kerit;
Perennial semi-aquatic, pubescent, prostrate or diffuse herbs to 15-30cm tall. Stems rooting from lower nodes. Leaves alternate; lamina simple, elliptic-oblong 2-6 × 1-2cm, base and apex acute, margin entire, glabrous. Flowers 0.8-1cm across, 5-merous, deep blue, solitary, axillary or terminal cymes; pedicel 1-3 mm, elongating after anthesis. Calyx lobes lanceolate, 4-8 mm long, glandular, pubescent; persistent. Corolla rotate, deep blue, lobes 3-5 mm long, tube white. Stamens 5, inserted at base of corolla tube, filaments dilated at base; anthers 4-lobed, basifixed. Ovary globose, 2-locular, ovules numerous; styles 2, stigma capitate. Capsule ovoid, 3-4mm across, seeds many.

A small herb growing in paddyfeilds
At Alibag, Maharashtra

08102011-BS-1 Veronica sp for Id from Village Pujam Karnal:
Veronica sp for Id from a village near Nilokheri (Karnal)
Wild herb about 15cm-30cm with blue flower with 5 petals in a wetland area

Some More pics

I think this could be Hydrolea zeylanica.

You are very right … Reported from Delhi along rice fields, but collected only once by J K Maheshwari.

Sir this is the only member reported from Haryana from family HYDROPHYLLACEAE Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) Vahl

Yes from Delhi also

Hydrolea zeylanica:
Hydrolea zeylanica
Marathi name: Popti
At alibag

beautiful flowers. Just wondering why the Marathi name as Popti??

here are mine

[EfloraofIndia_311212PD01_Hydrolea zeylanica_Flora of Odisha]:
sharing the last image of this year among the groups. Hydrolea zeylanica from Ranpur
Name: Hydrolea zeylanica
Family: Hydrophyllaceae
Habit: Herb
habitat: grasslands
Place of collection: nay…agarh, odisha

In treatment of Calotropis poisoning Malaxis+Hydrolea based formulations are used.

Virus infected Doob (Cynodon) is used for liver related diseases. In case of its overdose, Hydrolea based formulations are used.
In treatment of Azoospermism, Hydrolea root based formulations are used.
(Source: CGBD Database)

Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) Vahl from Hooghly:
Attaching photographs of a herb found in a paddy field.

H & H : wild herb of about 1.5 feet
Date : 22/11/12, 11.12 a.m.
Place : Hooghly
sites :-

Nice photographs ! These are mine. This generally grow on the banks of streams.

Thank you once again … , i found your post at – https://groups.google.com/d/topic/indiantreepix/IA and took help for ID.


Photo from Buxa Tiger Reserve for Id:
I am sending a photo recently taken in Buxa Tiger Reserve for Id. This is a prostrate sub shrub, often rooting at nods. Calyx with very prominent glandular hairs.
please help.

Please upload if you have any picture of leaves and habit of the plant.
Please provide additional information about the plant that would help us to reach the correct species easily.

Yes, I agree with … Further information will be helpful in reaching ID.
If i have to make a guess then my guess will be ” Hydrolea zeylanica“, but its just a guess….

Yes I agree there should be more views of habit and leaves, even if I have to guess I would say, Hydrolea zeylanica.

I too think that the guesses made by … and … is a possible id.
Expecting more information and/or pictures for confirmation

I think the ID is correct.
Please find the link


sharing picture of beauutiful herb Hydrolea zeylanica
found on moist soil at Sawantwadi Sindhudurg

Very nice capture … This is an edible leafy vegetable in most part of Odisha.

Thanks all for appreciation, yeah these are very beauutiful flowers,
they are blooming at a time forming beautiful carpet on moist soil these days,i love to watch 🙂

Thanks … for sharing this tiny beauty. I have added this to Flora Picture 2012

Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) Vahl (Hooghly):

Unlike my earlier upload it is prostrate herb, found in a paddy-field.
Species : Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) Vahl
Bnegali Name : KANKHRA (কাঁখরা) / KANKRA-EESH-LANGULA (কাঁকড়া-ঈষ-লাঙ্গুলা) / ISHA-LANGULIA (ইশা-লাঙ্গুলিয়া)
H & H : prostrate herb in a paddy field
Date : 6/1/13
Place : Hooghly
ID Help :


weed for ID 25072013 CS 2 :  Attachments (3). 4 posts by 3 authors.
This weed with spreading habit was seen at Patna. I have tentatively identified it as Hydrolea zeylanica.
Please confirm ID

Nice pics … right id too..

ANDEC20 Please confirm if this is Hydrolea zeylanica : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6).

7th December 2014
Ramadevarabetta, Karnataka

I think you are right, …

Nice set of pics…I think yr ID is corrrect, Looks like Hydrolea zeylanica only..


Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) Vahl 15Feb SN 16 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)
Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) Vahl, ascending herb from paddy filed area from Kancheepuram dt, Tamilnadu, heterophyllus nature of young shoot is observed

Thanks …, I have never seen the dissected leaves till now..

Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) Vahl from Assam KD 01 April 2015 : 2 posts by 1 author. Attachments (5)
Attached images are Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) Vahl.  
Date :19.02.2015
Location: Assam
Family : Hydroleaceae
Genus & species : Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) Vahl
Habitat: Grows wild on paddy field
Habit :Herb


PLANT FOR IDENTIFICATION -50 : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Location : On the wet sand of riverbed of River Kangsabati,   Midnapore, Dist. Midnapore, West Bengal.
Date : 20/12/2007.
Would you please identify this plant. 

Is it Hydrolea zeylanica (syn. Ceylon hydrolea)?
Kindly confirm whether I am correct.

Same one from Phansad WLS Maharashtra. Attachments (1)

Here is link for Hydorolea zeylanica, but very little general information:


Hydrolea zeylanica : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)

Flowers of Hydrolea zeylanica
Marathi name: Popti
At Chiplun, Maharashtra
27Dec, 2009

Thanks for showing these wonderful flowers from a small family Hydrophyllaceae considered as sub family of Boraginaceae. In fact I think only this lone member has been reported from this family in Maharashtra. Found in aquatic or semiaquatic regions in Konkan and other places in rice fields and near margins of tanks. 5 Bright blue coloured petals with filaments of same colour and strikingly white anthers stand out prominently.

highly appreciable pics …  and good additional informations by … .. To add to the much fascinating characters of this plant.. there are two styles diverging out in two directions.. and the stigma being bright red- the whole style & stigma together resemble the antennae of an imaginary aliens..


Flora Picture of the Year 2014 – Shrikant Ingalhalikar : 11 posts by 11 authors. Attachments (1)
The mobile phone revolution is perpetual. It has made many a things redundant. Be it a pen, paper, calender, diary, radio, music-video player, computer, torch, map, GPS or a watch. Many more will submit themselves in the new year.
Last few years I wondered at the junk of my film cameras, now I am afraid my mobile phone has made my DSLR cameras redundant too. As a prejudice I struck rare plants only when I did not or forgot to carry my cameras. Now I forget them by default because my inseparable mobile phone always clings to my heart from my pocket. Now when I get something exciting I am not disappointed or I do not rush home to get the camera.
These are tiny flowers of Hydrolea 7 mm size, shot hand held in full frame and unedited though the phone offers all instant tools to edit.
Let us see what 2015 has to offer.

Beautiful picture, …! Agreeing with you about the versatility of smartphones. They may also soon (if not already) make libraries and herbaria things of past.

Thanks … Last year when I was thinking of choosing my next smartphone, I finally chose Sony xperia z1 primarily for its 20.3 MP camera, and I am happy that it enables me to capture images and video at social functions, I even take most of pictures of plants with this smartphone. Really great innovation, you have not to be specially equipped to click a photo, your mobile is always with you.

Thanks, … for showing us the future.

Nice picture
so, … will we see these cell phone pics in your next book?
how would they translate to printing?
would love to know if your printer/publisher has any say in this so far…

Yes …, Mobile is really coming very handy.. Nice photograph, good clarity..

Agreed … The cellphone camera are already giving good results; add-on miniature gadgets for macro, zoom have also arrived. And yet better results would be shown with newer technologies !! Nice clear picture.


Submission of Hydrolea zeylanica : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (2)
Plant name: Hydrolea zeylanica (L.) J.Vahl, Symb. Bot. 2: 46. 1791.
Ver.names: Ceylone hydrolea (Eng.), Nela nakshatraalu (Tel.)
Family: Hydroleaceae
Description: Perennial semi-aquatic, pubescent, prostrate or diffuse herbs to 15-30cm tall. Stems rooting from lower nodes. Leaves alternate; lamina simple, elliptic-oblong 2-6 × 1-2cm, base and apex acute, margin entire, glabrous. Flowers 0.8-1cm across, 5-merous, deep blue, solitary, axillary or terminal cymes; pedicel 1-3 mm, elongating after anthesis. Calyx lobes lanceolate, 4-8 mm long, glandular, pubescent; persistent. Corolla rotate, deep blue, lobes 3-5 mm long, tube white. Stamens 5, inserted at base of corolla tube, filaments dilated at base; anthers 4-lobed, basifixed. Ovary globose, 2-locular, ovules numerous; styles 2, stigma capitate. Capsule ovoid, 3-4mm across, seeds many.
Habitat & location: Rare. Found in moist areas. 

near “Aarkaswadi village” in the valley between Matheran and Prabalgad– (14-11-09);Hydrolea zeylanica-171109PKA-1 – indiantreepix | Google Groups


Hydrolea zeylanica for validation: 2 high res. images.
Request for validating Hydrolea zeylanica from Bilaspur. Photographed in November, 2022.

Yes, appears close to images at



Updated on December 24, 2024