Maharanga emodi (Wall.) A. DC., Prodr. 10: 71 1846. (Syn: Onosma emodi Wall.);
Maharanga emodi (Wall) A. DC : Attachments (2). 4 posts by 4 authors. Date: 25 JULY, 2014 Location: Kalinchok, Dolakha District, East Nepal Altitude : 12500 ft. It is also distributed in Uttarakhand and reach up to alpine zones. Nepali Names : महारंगी Mahaarangee / भ्रिंगी Bhringee / मारंगी Maarangee Nepali Names : महारंगी Mahaarangee / भ्रिंगी / मारंगी
ID needed : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1). This is a herbaceous plant of alpine area (2900m 3400m amsl). The plant is collected from the Alpine pasture of Rudranaath (Panaar) of district Chamoli, Uttarakhand in August 2014. Please check for Onosma sp. (Boraginaceae). Onosma spp This is Maharanga emodi and I also snapped it from the way of Rudernath. Thanks … for validation of the species, yes it is Maharanga emodi
Herbaceous plant for ID from Panaar bgyal of Rudranaath track of District Chamoli, Uttarkhand : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1). Pic was taken in August 2014 ID suggested in earlier post. Pl check for Onosma (now Maharanga) species (Boraginaceae). Identified as Maharanga emodi as per another thread.
Maharanga emodi
Updated on December 24, 2024