Ananas comosus var. microstachys

Ananas comosus var. microstachys (Mez) L.B.Sm., Contr. Gray Herb. 104: 72 1934. (syn: Acanthostachys ananassoides Baker; Ananas ananassoides (Baker) L.B.Sm.; Ananas ananassoides var. nanus L.B.Sm.; Ananas ananassoides var. typicus L.B.Sm., not validly publ.; Ananas comosus var. ananassoides (Baker) Coppens & F.Leal,
nom. superfl.; Ananas genesio-linsii Reitz; Ananas guaraniticus Bertoni; Ananas microstachys Lindm., nom. superfl.; Ananas microstachys var. nanus (L.B.Sm.) Camargo; Ananas microstachys var. typicus Camargo, not validly publ.; Ananas nanus (L.B.Sm.) L.B.Sm.; Ananas pancheanus André; Ananas sativus var. microstachys Mez);      
Costa Rica to S. Trop. America as per WCSP;
Argentina Northeast; Bolivia; Brazil North; Brazil Northeast; Brazil South;
Brazil Southeast; Brazil West-Central; Colombia; Costa Rica; Ecuador; French
Guiana; Guyana; Panam; Paraguay; Suriname
as per Catalogue of Life;  
Common name: Dwarf Pineapple



Ananas ananassoides (Baker) L.B.Sm. : 9 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3) – around 500 kb each.

Location: Hong Kong Park  
Date: 15 August 2018
Elevation: 200 ft.
Habit : Cultivated

Interesting. I imagine if that is the maximum size of the fruit.

decorative diminutive ananas. don’t know the binomial, but this and several other miniatures are used by cut flower industry for exotic additions to flower arrangements

Thank you …! I guess fruit size can be bigger according to the following link.

i am not sure its the same as in the picture. look at the tuft of leaves above the fruit. its totally different. it could be one of many variants.

i would label it as an immature fruit, possibly variety of……xyz..

well. they may know or may be not, its always possible. its your call

May be wrong ID by park people. No idea about this.

Updated on December 24, 2024

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