Billbergia macrocalyx Hook., Bot. Mag. 85: t. 5114 1859. (Syn: Billbergia quintusiana Wittm.); Brazil Northeast; Brazil Southeast as per Catalogue of Life; Bromeliad for ID : Mumbai : 281111 : AK-2: An Ornamental potted plant, probably a Bromeliad, taken at Jijamata Udyan on the 18th of Nov,11. Had posted it earlier but could see it flowering during this visit. cant id it, (cant tell you its binomial) but does look like a bromeliad… I used to have a whole bunch of them, and the waterpools in its crown would have little tadpoles of the green tree frogs swimming in them, then golf courses sprouted around our homes and they sprayed so much poison to keep the greens green that there was a statewide loss of green frogs and garden lizards… … environmental movement started in earnest then… when the green tree frogs disappeared…. Billbergia amoena It looks close to Billbergia macrocalyx as per Looks different from images of Billbergia amoena as per Plant for ID – 23/09/12 – RK2: Would appreciate ID of this plant. Please excuse picture quality – camera was acting up! Taken in Lalbagh,Bangalore 09/09/12 at 9.30am. Would love to know the ID – i found the plant very interesting & just could not place it…!! I hope this is Billbergia amoena. It looks close to Billbergia macrocalyx as per Looks different from images of Billbergia amoena as per Euphorbiaceae week – ?Euphorbia, ID help please 20110312sm: photographed at the Veer Jijamata Udyan in early January 2011. Garden shrub, 3-4 ft; was seen growing in a huge pot; no stem, leaves sprang from very close to the ground. The ?flower / inflorescence was silver in color (as seen in images). The leaf margin had small spines; leaves stiff, smooth surface and curved laterally. Bromeliaceae. Some of the so called Cat’s Claw. Could this possible be Bromelia balansea Mez. or Bromelia pinguin. I came across the description of Bormelia balansae in Aima’s book Pg 64 as follows: ” A large dense and vicious terrestrial rosette about 3 ft. tall, used for fencing; stiff green leaves with dangerous hook spines facing both directions; center turning red before bloom; flowers white, in paniculate inflorescence forming branches of small. ovoid, orange yellow fruit with pineapple flavour. Can be easily confused with B. pinguin, but balansae has broad sepal tips, while pinguin has needle-like sepal tips and loose inflorescence.” Posting my pictures taken at Jijamata Udyan….hope of the same plant. I think close to images at Billbergia amoena (Lodd.) Lindl. Can we consider Billbergia macrocalyx? Yes, you are right, … It looks close to Billbergia macrocalyx as per Looks different from images of Billbergia amoena as per SK 2307 23 November 2019 : 7 posts by 3 authors. 4 images– 5 to 7 mb. Location: Jawalakhel Flower Show, Lalitpur Date: 20 October 2019 Elevation: 1300 m. Habit : Cultivated a bromeliad Yes … Appears close to images at Billbergia amoena (Lodd.) Lindl. It looks close to Billbergia macrocalyx as per Looks different from images of Billbergia amoena as per Billbergia amoena FOR VALIDATION / ID :: Dattaji Salvi Udyan, Thane :: 11 JAN 20 : 10 posts by 4 authors. 4 images. Dattaji Salvi Udyan Thane Date: January 11, 2020 … Altitude: about 11 m (36 feet) asl Billbergia ¿ amoena ? yes. Thank you very much … I hope you meant yes for the species B. amoena. Yes, I mean that only. On check at net, I am not getting confident. It will b better if you check all species given at As per comparative images at Billbergia, I think it may come out close to Billbergia macrocalyx Hook. This is close to Billbergia macrocalyx that I have seen at Rani Bagh (Jijamata Udyan) |
Billbergia macrocalyx
Updated on December 24, 2024