Billbergia pyramidalisBillbergia pyramidalis (Sims) Lindl., Bot. Reg. 13: t. 1068 1827. (Syn: Billbergia andegavensis André; Billbergia atrorosea Drapiez; Billbergia bicolor Lodd. [Illegitimate]; Billbergia croyana De Jonghe ex Lem.; Billbergia fasciata var. splendens Beer; Billbergia fastuosa (C.Morren) Beer; Billbergia lemoinei André; Billbergia loddigesii Steud.; Billbergia longifolia K.Koch & C.D.Bouché; Billbergia miniatorosea Lem.; Billbergia paxtonii Beer; Billbergia punicea Beer; Billbergia pyramidalis var. bicolor Lindl. ………….; Billbergia schultesiana Baker; Billbergia setosa Baker [Invalid]; Billbergia splendida Lem.; Billbergia thyrsoidea Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f. …………..; Bromelia nudicaulis Rchb.; Bromelia pyramidalis Sims; Jonghea splendida Lem. [Invalid]; Pitcairnia fastuosa C.Morren; Tillandsia farinosa Schult. & Schult.f. [Invalid]; Aechmea setigera hort. ex E. Morren; Billbergia atropurpurea hort. ex E. Morren; Billbergia farinosa K. Koch ex E. Morren; Billbergia peruviana hort. ex E. Morren; Billbergia rhodocyanea hort. ex K. Koch & Bouché; Billbergia setosa hort. ex E. Morren; Billbergia speciosa Carrière; Billbergia thyrsoidea var. mibiato-rosea (Lem.) E. Morren; Billbergia thyrsoides De Jonghe; Billbergia tricolor hort. ex E. Morren; Jonghea croyana Lem. ex E. Morren; Jonghea splendida Lem. ex E. Morren);Foolproof Plant, Flaming Torch, Summer Torch; at Jijamata Udyan on the 8th of November, 08;Billbergia Pyramidalis : Flaming Torch : AK – efloraofindia | Google Groups PR-23-04-11 To ID a Bromeliad,: I got the most delightful surprise today while watering my plants. This bromeliad had burst into bloom without my having noticed the bud forming.I was thinking of Billbergia sp.Looks like Freycinetia sp. to me.It is Bilbergia pyramidalis Billbergia pyramidalis var. concolor; On 1/8/09 in a park in a Hyderabad Nursery, AP.;For Id -070809Jm2 – indiantreepix | Google Groups References: Updated on December 24, 2024Related Articles Billbergia macrocalyx Billbergia nutans (Cultivated)