Cryptanthus bivittatus (Hook.) Regel, Index Seminum (LE) 1864: 15 1864. (syn: Acanthospora vittata D.Dietr.; Billbergia bivittata Hook.; Cryptanthus bivittatus var. atropurpureus Mez; Cryptanthus bivittatus var. bivittatus ; Cryptanthus bivittatus var. luddemannii Baker; Cryptanthus bivittatus var. moensis auct.; Nidularium bivittatum Lem. [Invalid]; Tillandsia bivittata (Hook.) Linden; Tillandsia vittata Baker [Invalid]); . Brazil (as per GRIN) . Cryptanthus bivittatus Bromeliad photographed from Garden Festival, Garden of Five Senses, Delhi in February 2015. Cryptanthus bivittatus ‘Pink Starlite’ Cultivar with pink leaves photographed from Garden Festival, Garden of Five Senses Delhi in February, 2015 Bromeliad for ID : Nasik : 14MAY19 : AK-14 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) Bromeliad plants seen at a plant nursery in Nasik. Cultivated, potted plants. Cryptanthus Species? cryptanthus cultivar like “earth star” etc etc many many are grown for mass sale as houseplants was there any label? No, I don’t recollect seeing the label. I find it under Cryptanthus bivittatus (Hook.) Regel in efi site. . Cryptanthus bivittatus for validation (Cultivated::Delhi)- I wish to get the identification validated…there are only very few flowering pics on the internet for this species.. I request you to please validate or correct the identification…. Yes !
. References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 WCSP IPNI GRIN Dave’s Garden Cryptanthus or Earth Stars – Bromeliad Plant Care Floriculture in India By Gurcharan Singh Randhawa, Amitabha Mukhopadhyay (1986) |
Cryptanthus bivittatus (Cultivated)
Updated on December 24, 2024